Wednesday, March 9, 2011

On Norton What Does Unauth


people people, I say as only "thumbs up" for this recipe! It has captured my taste buds in no time! This soup is definitely my favorite recipes of practice on ...



500 g sweet potatoes
600 g
carrots 1 red chili pepper 1 large onion
1-2 tbsp oil
1/2-1 TL Asia-curry paste
1 can (400 ml) unsweetened coconut milk
2-3 tsp vegetable stock (instant) 3 stalks coriander
salt, pepper
little lime juice
3 / 4 l water


peel sweet potatoes first, then wash and cut into small cubes. Peel the carrots well, wash and cut up to half a carrot small. Half the carrot into thin slices. The chili pepper Wash long cut, remove seeds and cut into thin rings. Now just peel the onion and dice.

Heat oil in a large pot according to the oil and the vegetables in it (except the carrot slices and half the chili rings) fry. Add the curry paste and short mitanschwitzen and finally fill with the coconut milk (4 tsp please retained by the milk for the garnish). Now add another 3 / 4 l water and stir in the broth.
Now 15 minutes on medium heat and electric underblanket covered pot and simmer to himself.

Meanwhile, wash the coriander, pluck off the leaves and shake dry. Puree the soup for 15 minutes with a hand blender and season with fine salt, pepper and lime juice (I used a whole lime, because I simply love this sour taste). And now give the carrot slices in the soup to it mitzugaren 2-3 minutes. To serve, then each one teaspoon coconut milk in streaks move into the soup, coriander un darübersteuen the remaining chili rings.

very large ball sports fans!
I've omitted the coriander, but the sole reason that I do not like him. I always try again, But slowly, I accept that my my taste buds, they have a bar of soap between ... Ugh! So I definitely hands off the cilantro! O)

The recipe is from the damaged March 2011 - No. 3

Psssssssst * * mitvorgehaltenerHandflüster and should I tell you that I have eaten two bowls of it, including baguette and was then pappsatt? And should I then also tell you that I the last candy evening before the fast is not nothing more to get inside because the soup was tasty way * worse * * * stampfmitdemFussfesteauf - well, should hold the bunny eat the stuff. Better on his hips than on my (ie there is already enough), o)

Template For Ending A Contract

40 Tage

... no, actually it's yes 46 days, but Sundays are almost free, and thus are not counted! : O)

Ya, it is again come - I renounce to the Easter candy! And this time, not only so that it hurts, no, this time I do it also because of the foul ballast drop o) eat
I must go down to my current sites do not move too much unhealthy stuff---fighting weight! Yes!

I deprive me not only the sugar in the form of Schnubbelzeuch - no, I will Just back into my clothes fit * grin *

So is nothing in my bed every evening companions ... Chocolate chips and now have to stop time to stay outside! SO!

and DU

you are very angry doll and real no-goes at the moment! So you crumbled in the supermarkets (or wherever you came from) and remains my interactions o)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

[digital Playground] Pirates

Stöckchen im März 2011

M such as fatigue - my Lord times, I seem to come from hibernation in the spring fatigue :o(

Ä wie Ängste - das wir das mit dem neuen Zuhause nicht schaffen könnten, plagen mich nicht mehr, das hab ich alles hinter mir gelassen!

R wie Ranukeln - eine meiner absoluten Lieblingsblumen. Sie blühen gerade in weißer Form schön in der Vase vor sich hin und erfreuen mich täglich ;o)

Z wie Zuhause - in unserem neuen Heim kommt jeden Tag etwas fertiges hinzu... Mal mehr mal weniger schnell, aber et kütt!

Cartoonnetwor Birthday Blast

Buchthema März/April 2011

Das Buchthema für März lautet:
≈ lies ein Buch, dessen Titel, oder dessen Inhalt mit Kochen, Speisen, Getränken, oder Lebensmittel, zu tun hat ≈

Ich habe mich für ein Buch entschieden, dass ich mir bereits gekauft hatte, aber es noch nicht angefangen hatte zu lesen...
Es ist verfilmt worden und im letzten Jahr im Kino gelaufen mit Julia Roberts in der Hauptrolle. Ich lese Bücher auch dann noch, wenn ich die Filme schon gesehen habe, denn die Bücher sind meist besser, ausführlicher,...

Ich werde berichten...

Hier die Kurzbeschreibung:

Essen. Beten. Lieben. Das ist es, was glücklich macht. Aber die einfachen Dinge sind die schwersten. Das weiß and Elizabeth. By his early thirties, she decides again to start all over again. She lets her marriage, her affair, her job in New York behind and pack your bags for a trip that is the journey of her life: four months Dolce Vita in Italy, four months meditation and yoga in India - Bali and four months, the meeting for an exhilarating it makes ...