Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wikipedia Pinky Prn Star


eagerly looking for a topic for today's blog entry I came across something that at this Make sure to be well received.

The press release announced on Saturday that Internet users would now call for a Blogger Code. This led to an investigation conducted by the law firm DLA Piper in London, UK. This requirement applies primarily to a voluntary code of conduct among bloggers.
call this unique internet users such a code. Neither parent institution, nor the state or even the majority of bloggers do it.
be addressed in this call, especially the current laws regarding intellectual property rights, defamation or incitement to crime.

question is, however, how voluntary can be such a code. No one wants to expose the shame, to oppose a code. In that sense, this issue certainly not too many volunteers.
And always my personal concern, which I poche: Why can not even things as they are? A blog is a subjective scale of records in a kind of online diary that can even be useful for the official purposes, but it is subjective character. And as long as something is subjective, you should give your own, the freedom of space - space to express themselves and choose to space the language itself. Each has his own fortune and even if someone picks one at inappropriate words, this is not indeed OK, but just his personal concern.
Note only the scandal blogger Perez Hilton , was reported on at this point before. This man does not mince words imaginable, and no matter how a Blogger code would look: he fails to guarantee it.

Legal regulations or not: In Germany, Blogger principle in a similar legal responsibility as the traditional press. (So \u200b\u200bDennis Breuer, Rechtsepxerte at IT law firm.) That should do it and at least it's not like that blogger for gross violations of the law in any case not be held responsible.

Like so much this theme is also a two-edged sword. Not a little wrong to moderation by legal rules is required in blogging. The other side is, how much fun it still makes blogging or reading blogs, if nowhere to go and again the limits of good taste cheeky be exceeded.


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