Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Milking Milena Velba & Nadine Jansen

What is wrong with our world going?

Today's post deals with the idea, because every second but did not pronounce:

What happens to our world?

crashing stocks, banks break down. You is economically depressed and no one can say of himself, "actually I do not care." No it can not it can. Nobody do not care what happens to our world. But it can anyone not care that it is at once a savings guaranteed by the state are. Everyone secretly wonders what's going on! Was hiding something? Will gloss over the crisis? Is it even worse? The thoughts are still dark and gloomy it is, if this reality. But we do not paint black, but it is a depressing situation.

Lenken wir mal den Blick auf unser Land - Österreich.

Sonntag vor fast 2 Wochen hat Österreich gewählt. Das Wahlergebnis war wiederum zu Erwarten auch wenn Parteien wie FPÖ und BZÖ für eine Überraschung sorgten. Jetzt wird an einer neuen Regierung gebastelt. Es wird diskutiert, Gespräche und Verhandlungen werden geführt. Bundespräsident Heinz Fischer meldet sich zu Wort und beauftragt Werner Faymann mit der Bildung der neuen Regierung. Es ist 5 vor 12. Es muss was geschehen. Die versprochenen Wahlversprechen sollten schleunigst umgesetzt werden. Die Teuerung greift nämlich schon wieder um sich. Ab November wird Strom wieder teuerer. Es ist zum Haare raufen. Vorallem ist es aber ein Teufelskreis. Die Inflation is rampant, save the Austrians have. By saving measures but charities such as Caritas, the lack of donations. Thus, the Caritas than 20,000 Austrians are no longer in a helping hand and help as a year ago. But where should the money donated? Even the rich as well as claimed Fiona Swarovski few weeks ago in an interview, save to. The times have become worse.
Although saving is a big power, every 3rd Austrians thought of his money which is on the bench. Here was the government guarantee of Molterer. But that announcement did not seem like a tranquilizer.

incredible happens at the coffee chain Starbucks all over the world and also in Vienna. Employees must for hygiene reasons, the water running all the time. It is a waste of 23.4 million liters of drinking water daily. Hardly imagine! In the 3rd World is clean drinking water is a rare commodity. And Starbucks wasted so much of it. And now it's time to ask a crucial question: What's wrong with the world? What happens?

Everyone can afford for a small contribution, but also experience the economy has a boom and it has to go uphill again. Even the EU has failed in every aspect. What has been done too late, too late, the crisis was noticed. Now it is up to the institutions, governments, and of course to provide assistance and also to the EU reached a new stability.

Finally I can say is, unfortunately, we keep this critical time in the eye and hope for the best.

your relations team


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