Friday, November 7, 2008

Ca 10000 Compared To Ca 12000 Bats

Twenty years ago, that I've performed in Ireland diary. Read my scribblings actually still quite happy, at least almost all of it. I am glad that I've written about so much time '- you can no longer claim me.
Lately I dreamed again of corpses. See it basically not as bad sign, it means much more that is old and makes room for new things. The body was in the living room of my parents and maggots and flies were crawling around on her. Rather than call the police, all shrugging their shoulders and turned away. I tried in a dream then, to call the police, but was first occupied, to achieve then no, then wrong again connected, etc. - in short, I had no success. What does this means? No idea!
Well, what is all this with a new black president in America? I just hope no one shoots him, because that would be a shame. He has enemies determined enough, for whatever reason, there's no real motive other than envy to kill these people ... Why do people bring to each other? Envy is almost always in the game, or at least indirectly, a defining element in a life where there is the possibility of someone intentionally kill.


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