Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pokemon Games For Ti 84

Rufma si no z'samm

no one cares in the short or longer term more properly to someone something, does that also. that is, of course you do something that you wear well behaved in the calendar. should meet the said one, and only in emergency need of a call to any changes in place and to agree on time and shifts. far from it! no one is content - especially in the private sector - so that the scheduled meeting to take place then quite simple. front must be at least three times (the last time the best two minutes prior to the date) will be made by telephone, whether it's "eh fits" - is not done, the connections seems not given. familiar one is naive of the first agreement and does not report anymore, is I, the other assumes that all the eh not so fix was. and feels no longer bound, unless it is / Do you really have something to it, which quite a few phone calls for confirmation of these consequences.
but much better because of democratic, is the same fix did nothing, but to blare in the distance on the street, "rufma zsamm si no!" - With this phrase, you can arrive many years, even decades determined to push out into the infinite. the good thing is: it implies not that you will call yourself. when compared to say the consents, both are relieved of any obligation, is still in some way to take care of it. even if this actually mean is: "You can call quiet, maybe I lift even from when I grade very bland," created it but apparently a we-experience - in the form of verbal cuddle of colloquial, in the translation: We call yet TOGETHER! everything can be in such close einem kurzen satz gar nicht unterbringen - und doch schafft er unverfänglich die größtmögliche distanz.


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