Saturday, May 22, 2010

Maclaren Changing Bag

when the duty calls, ...

.. I hear not go. as an adult human has mans hard. there is always something to do, the calls requiring approximately 24 hours a day. actually I should, actually, I would ... therefore concluded, you inevitably to the point where we loudly about his or her pleasurable and meaningful activities exempt, so you whine and the call of duty drowned. not to be confused with pastime! (With time for distributors to not joking, they commit an act of evil! I will yes, the time is here with me and I will stay in future, anyone who wants to sell it).
no, this is about the wage for what I'll do first (boring work) and to escape from something I only threatened in the future (of time). Who knows whether I experience the end of the subject and stresserei ever? opposition against the senseless, "the first work, play, then that" I need my fun now . as motivation. this comfort. because the subject is never hoarse, she calls and calls and calls ... and I know the date on which the pleasure of calling louder than the subject, will never come anyway.


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