Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Glue To Fix Styrofoan


Oh yes it is. I need money. Constantly. Always.
I need but (...) umbedingt.
Oh man. _.

At least a couple things I wish clergy have moved with me.
Beautiful brown lace boots
(The hyped Blogger Boots << wie ich diese Bezeichnung hasse oô)
A sweet red sweater with back neck and lace
go a dress to celebrate
a blazer I sell again because I had him do not like and yes.
What have I wanted, I still have not. In that sense.

Oh yes you can get here looks nice profits, but stop by you if the lack of money is just NEN profit doing it well? :)
And for new bloggers colleagues I just would like to advertise.
So stopping by! gebloggt.co.de-lived!
Much love


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