Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Electric Toy Car Motor

a post donation. I BLAME COCO

Einen wunderschönen Abend wünsche ich euch meine Lieben,
Wie wohl die Meisten von euch bin auch ich gerade im Weihnachtsstress und irgendwie hab ich noch nichts wirklich in der Hand, tausend Ideen noch nichts umgesetzt. Damned.
Warum kommt Weihnachten immer so plötzlich?
Jährliche Frage, Keine Antwort...

Well Well, Christmas is ultimately only the celebration of love, and you should not as materialistic thinking, yes but I want to give away what we have to show (...) this

But Christmas, we should all still a little bit what do good and helping.
Unzwar not to empty our accounts, but which have not so much.

Preis.de has launched a fantastic event, dedicated to each blog post of this action to make a donation for 5 € to the SOS Children's Villages . And I think a couple of rows but each letter can when you can help it!

addition to participating in a contest of which is giving away coupons for Amazon, in my opinion would have Amazon donate the money but directly but now are good.

I hope some of you do at the Christmas action with yet! It does not run to 17.01.

who also has a blog can join Just take this in here.
The action is also of opinion letters and helping Preis.de and every opinion brings another 50ct which will be donated to SOS Children's Village!

In the sense
A joyful celebration


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