Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mulheres Con Grandes Mamas

Billowing sails vs. thoughts. hopping Speckschwatln

Also. Ich hab heute Rotwein getrunken, Musik gemacht & gehört, ferngesehen und gelebt. Damit ist meine Tagebucheintragung für heute schon erledigt (und ich wurde dem Motto dieses Blogs gerecht!). (Jetzt, wo ich weiß, dass tatsächlich manch eine/r auch mit meinen geistigen Winden seine Gedankensegel bläht, bin ich vorsichtig mit intimen Gschichtln - wenngleich die um einiges interessanter wären als der erste Satz ;-))

(PS: Bin heute vor dem Spiegel zu "Unchain my heart" rumgehüpft. Kleine Speckschwatln an mir dran haben noch weiter gehüpft Minuten nachdem das Lied aus war. Bäh, bäh, bäh - Speck fühlt sich nach gar nix an, das is leider so, deshalb sieht man's erst, wenn man in den Spiegel schaut. Besser wärs, Speck würd zwicken oder sonst wie weh tun, das würd das Abnehmen erleichtern. Aber zwicken tut mich nur die Hose. Und die zieh ich aus und stopf mir ein Stück Schokolade in den Schlund.)
Aja, noch was. Der blödeste Text, der sich derzeit via Ö3 in meine armen Ohren veirrt hat:

"So ein Zufall dir zu begegnen Wir haben uns lang nicht mehr gesehen Mein Make-up ist ganz verronnen Weil wir hier im Regen want I'm fine all thank best Have endless amounts made the apartment newly painted And I laughed at a bicycle, the world is as beautiful as ever alive to the day thinking and not more of you I weep just because I rains weep for me I 'm watching the rain from sheer drops I'm not crying just because I rains do not cry for you cry because time never stand still Every tear stands alone Am still unbound I feel good this rescue I do not need, but your wing you could lend me Much too often much too long celebrated the mailbox always full of possessions since learned to know whom do not know if I should make him the world is spinning faster than ever feel free and do not think more of you I cry only because it's I rains weep for me I'm watching the rain does not sheer drops I just cry because it's I's raining, do not cry for you cry because time never stand still Every tear is in itself I do not want everything here in the rain has to go was nice to see you again I just cry because it's raining I do not cry for you Tell me why the rain falls only on me I just cry because it's raining I'm crying just for me wine because time stands still Every tear never stands alone I just cry because it's raining I do not cry for you cry because time will never stand Every tear stands for itself "... from such a
VALERIE is the so sweet rausgeschmalzt that I hyperglycaemia are taking although I am not a diabetic. (Maybe I've grown so?)

That is the worst rated junk! Something embarrassing would have perhaps have come up with 11 but no later than 12 I would have burned residue out of sheer shame.
Apart from the well-worn theme (because it was only last year, a song in the charts are ..??) the formulations ....
"a bicycle laughed at" - nonsense!
"every tear stands for itself" - pitiful! So I'm going


Monday, February 18, 2008

Ectropionsilver Nitrateinfection

minute panic?

I am indeed a sad person. Basically I love life, it is enjoyed, while engaged in doing good and aestheticism or otherwise sensibly daherred't (loosely based on TS Eliot - Original quote: "To do the useful thing, to say the courageous thing, to contemplate the beautiful thing: that is enough for one man's life ")
nice and all good.. But it ends at some point. Sooner or later. This will i ned!
If I do it anyway right after TS Eliot, why I should not they live forever? Many people say, "To Good's wishes ... forever leb'n, the warat a Horror!" - But that's a lie! They say yes just because it's ham eh ka choice! In recent Years is lying to stop at saying that we already have sooooooooooooooo much time to one of the topic, and only touches somehow ... Works just fine in itself, because death is not part of being young to do so. All who die early are to die early, so actually an "inappropriate" time. The older we get, the less we want to accept it at all ever is a "right" time. Yes, ok, if someone was sick, then the death was indeed a "grace" and allegedly a "redemption" (like now with his uncle), but can you possibly say it was an "appropriate" time. Imagine that you meet at a funeral of a 100-year-olds und begrüßt die Trauergemeinde mit den Worten: "Einen besseren, passenderen und günstigeren Zeitpunkt für seinen Tod hat es wahrlich kaum gegeben." - Wird vermutlich allgemeine Befremdung auslösen. Sagen darf man: "Na, er hat ja sein Leben gelebt." Ein wahrlich blöder Spruch. Was soll man denn sonst ein ganzes Jahrhundert hindurch machen, wenn man nicht gerade zufällig tot ist?
"Der Tod gehört zum Leben" - Blabla. Der Tod gehört nicht zum Leben, sondern der Tod gehört zum Totsein. Das ist ganz was anderes, etwas das außerhalb ist vom Hier und Jetzt und was mich hier und jetzt aber schon gar nicht interessieren mag.
Warum gibt es soviele blöde Sprüche zum Thema "Tod"? Fällt anyone anything clever to one? G.
does also, as his thoughts on death. "If life is like a party, then it is a shame when you have to go But if life is like a math test, then it is back leiwand when is off. But mostly it is both. Maybe it's just too good to us, So we find ourselves so hard from the death. "

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sinus Polyps Colloidal Silver

Schleger and Schug

Hm I do not find a way out of trouble. What is it about? To my eternal guilty conscience (in short: Schleger)
It actually starts even before getting up (Schleger, because too late because the day before too much eating / smoking / drinking) ... Dust mice umwedeln my bedstead (Schleger because bedroom is not sucked) .. on the toilet (oh dear, Schleger! Should have long since bought toilet paper !)... and in the bathroom (SchleGe! mirror would have cleaned, washed woolen clothes, stuff to be sorted out) ... Of course this goes on to the breakfast table. And then Schleger because not enough political education forced into my brain (one instead Ö3 Wecker). Schleger, because society would rather gossip (Britney Spears now teilentmündigt) and Chronicle (3 years man sat dead in front of the TV) is read in the Courier and spent about 15 x as much time with the medium-heavy as sudoku with current domestic policy.
Schleger because not healthy enough and too much of unhealthy breakfast and then puffed his Schleger this Way through my day .... Aja, and I created it's time to get out in the fresh air (oxygen Bewegung!!), Then I got a Schleger, because I do not sit inside and work diligently. I sit inside and work hard (but certainly not hard enough), is the Schleger again because of lack of exercise. * Sigh * I had a child, I would certainly be out constantly torn by Schleger and Schug, because I am either too little lost child care or me on the other hand too little any work is dedicated.

tip book tipps Schleger and Schug (= guilt): "How to Unschuldigsein" by Florian Illies (2001)

Monday, February 4, 2008

How Do I Send Credit From Optus To Telstra

mourning and consolation, and precious moments!

H. uncle died. He was the uncle of my husband (G) and I really liked him. For months we knew that beforehand, it was a relief for him.
Yesterday, G and I just spent the day only with each other, without another human being. Long sleep, eat in the bright light of the winter sun, we have discussed, a round booted in small box, the setting in the winter sun, had a an evening with good food and a wicked film ("The Medusa", according to the program "Psycho Thriller GB / Fr, 1978, Lino Ventura and Richard Burton) and then cuddle round by candlelight. I'm something of a privileged, in this man this life. beyond (but not in Chad and not in Israel, for example) Now go back
like to move myself in the fresh air. Had while I rumstapfte such an inspiration today, found the explanation of why I often long for earlier moments that were not so insanely happy: But in those moments I was all for me. Happy moments, but not only. I was myself and with my feelings - no matter what kind - one. And these are the precious moments in life.
I regret it, but I have to assume that very many people - perhaps Uncle H. - too few of these moments have experienced. That's what makes you sick, because then you are forced to itself.