Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sinus Polyps Colloidal Silver

Schleger and Schug

Hm I do not find a way out of trouble. What is it about? To my eternal guilty conscience (in short: Schleger)
It actually starts even before getting up (Schleger, because too late because the day before too much eating / smoking / drinking) ... Dust mice umwedeln my bedstead (Schleger because bedroom is not sucked) .. on the toilet (oh dear, Schleger! Should have long since bought toilet paper !)... and in the bathroom (SchleGe! mirror would have cleaned, washed woolen clothes, stuff to be sorted out) ... Of course this goes on to the breakfast table. And then Schleger because not enough political education forced into my brain (one instead Ö3 Wecker). Schleger, because society would rather gossip (Britney Spears now teilentmündigt) and Chronicle (3 years man sat dead in front of the TV) is read in the Courier and spent about 15 x as much time with the medium-heavy as sudoku with current domestic policy.
Schleger because not healthy enough and too much of unhealthy breakfast and then puffed his Schleger this Way through my day .... Aja, and I created it's time to get out in the fresh air (oxygen Bewegung!!), Then I got a Schleger, because I do not sit inside and work diligently. I sit inside and work hard (but certainly not hard enough), is the Schleger again because of lack of exercise. * Sigh * I had a child, I would certainly be out constantly torn by Schleger and Schug, because I am either too little lost child care or me on the other hand too little any work is dedicated.

tip book tipps Schleger and Schug (= guilt): "How to Unschuldigsein" by Florian Illies (2001)


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