Monday, February 18, 2008

Ectropionsilver Nitrateinfection

minute panic?

I am indeed a sad person. Basically I love life, it is enjoyed, while engaged in doing good and aestheticism or otherwise sensibly daherred't (loosely based on TS Eliot - Original quote: "To do the useful thing, to say the courageous thing, to contemplate the beautiful thing: that is enough for one man's life ")
nice and all good.. But it ends at some point. Sooner or later. This will i ned!
If I do it anyway right after TS Eliot, why I should not they live forever? Many people say, "To Good's wishes ... forever leb'n, the warat a Horror!" - But that's a lie! They say yes just because it's ham eh ka choice! In recent Years is lying to stop at saying that we already have sooooooooooooooo much time to one of the topic, and only touches somehow ... Works just fine in itself, because death is not part of being young to do so. All who die early are to die early, so actually an "inappropriate" time. The older we get, the less we want to accept it at all ever is a "right" time. Yes, ok, if someone was sick, then the death was indeed a "grace" and allegedly a "redemption" (like now with his uncle), but can you possibly say it was an "appropriate" time. Imagine that you meet at a funeral of a 100-year-olds und begrüßt die Trauergemeinde mit den Worten: "Einen besseren, passenderen und günstigeren Zeitpunkt für seinen Tod hat es wahrlich kaum gegeben." - Wird vermutlich allgemeine Befremdung auslösen. Sagen darf man: "Na, er hat ja sein Leben gelebt." Ein wahrlich blöder Spruch. Was soll man denn sonst ein ganzes Jahrhundert hindurch machen, wenn man nicht gerade zufällig tot ist?
"Der Tod gehört zum Leben" - Blabla. Der Tod gehört nicht zum Leben, sondern der Tod gehört zum Totsein. Das ist ganz was anderes, etwas das außerhalb ist vom Hier und Jetzt und was mich hier und jetzt aber schon gar nicht interessieren mag.
Warum gibt es soviele blöde Sprüche zum Thema "Tod"? Fällt anyone anything clever to one? G.
does also, as his thoughts on death. "If life is like a party, then it is a shame when you have to go But if life is like a math test, then it is back leiwand when is off. But mostly it is both. Maybe it's just too good to us, So we find ourselves so hard from the death. "


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