Monday, August 25, 2008

Black Light Exposes What Fluids

Has the number of "everyday issues" ever end?

you, dear readers, and readers are wondering when the Reihe "Alltagsfragen" ein Ende hat? Oder fragen Sie sich das doch nicht?

Wie in dem letzten Blog erwähnt, neigt sich das Sommerloch dem Ende und somit auch unsere Reihe. An dieser Stelle möchte ich meiner Hoffnung Ausdruck geben. Hier spreche ich auch im Namen unseres ganzen Teams. Wir hoffen, wir konnten Ihnen mit der Reihe "Alltagsfragen" eine Portion Spaß und Wissenswertes liefern.

Im heutigen Eintrag möchte ich mich noch mit einer weiteren, vielleicht auch der letzten Folge der "Alltagsfragen" befassen.

Heute dreht sich alles um: " einen Zahn zulegen "

"Leg doch einen Zahn zu!"
Das hat doch bestimmt schon wirklich jeder gehört. Wir wissen what it means, but we also know where it comes from?


Then we bring light into dark times. "Setting a tooth" is as much as hurry, speed up tempo. That was clear. But where does this saying?

There are two ways to view this statement. Let's start with the logical.
A drive from the old days had Antriebsradzähne. One wanted to move faster, then you put a tooth, so we switched it up a gear. Therefore comes down this statement, a tooth.

One view, which is a bit far-fetched, is that which says it has to do with cooking over an open fire. Formerly it was customary that Essen in einem Kessel über offenem Feuer gekocht wurde. Dieser Kessel hing an einer Metallstange, welche Zähne besaß. Kam nun der Mann heim und das Essen war noch nicht fertig, so sagt er zu seiner Frau: Leg einen Zahn zu! Die Frau hob den Kessel einen Zahn höher um die Fertigstellung des Essens anzutreiben.

Doch auch hinter dieser Sichtweise steht etwas ganz Wesentliches. Der Vorgang des Beschleunigens und die Geschwindigkeit.

Liebe Leser und Leserinnen, lassen Sie sich nicht hetzen und legen Sie nur einen Zahn zu, wenn Sie das auch möchten!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kirkland Signature Cookie

series "everyday issues" - Episode 7: by the flower ...

Liebe Leser und Leserinnen,

das Sommerloch neigt sich dem Ende zu. Das sommerliche Wetter, falls man es überhaupt als Such may be called, was variable and characterized by cool summer temperatures is not absolute.

I like to use during the last days of August, the opportunity and the series of "everyday issues" continue. Of course, this would continue indefinitely but we are not yet in a never-ending story.
So, sit back and enjoy episode 7 of our series.

Now we deal with the question:

what and why they say something in a roundabout?

Have you done it before?

something said by the flower?


Very well, and wenn Sie jetzt darüber nachdenken oder sich zurück erinnern, warum haben Sie denn etwas durch die Blume gesagt?

Gut, das ist scheinbar wirklich eine Überlegung wert.

Rollen wir das Ganze von einer anderen Seite auf. Was bedeutet dieser Ausdruck überhaupt: "Etwas durch die Blume sagen".

Die Bedeutung liegt darin, dass Tatsachen verschleiert und verschönert wieder gegeben werden. Vorallem unangenehme Tatsachen. Mit der einfachen Absicht dahinter, den Gegenüber nicht zu verärgern und mit der Hoffnung, dieser ist nicht böse, wenn Tatsachen verschleiert erzählt wird.

Nicht alle Menschen sind Freunde davon, wenn ihnen etwas durch die Blume erzählt wird. Dies should always be considered.

Choose the best for itself what track you take, the honest or the flower?

In this sense: Enjoy the last days of August! With or without flowers!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Certified Diamonds Worth Cost

series "everyday issues" - Episode 6: Into the blue

This statement has certainly get any ever heard, but maybe once pronounced: "You will still see your big surprise."

is thus the following question:

The Blue Wonder - Who or what is the blue wonder?

Who or what is the legendary blue wonder? This question is concerned, today's entry and the number of everyday issues will therefore be continued!

Where does this phrase mean? To answer this question, we travel back in time. Into the blue is the most famous bridge in Dresden. Here is a new design. The residents, this was a bit fishy, \u200b\u200bsince the range was enormous and the bridge piers in the river were not. The steel structure was painted in blue, what the horrible impression only grew stronger.

During the 2nd World War II was an attempt to blow up the bridge in the air. Despite completion of the demolition, the bridge remained standing and was nicknamed the "Blue Wonder".

Today we call the "blue . Miracle "a kind of mistake you make to further illustrate the following scenario: A woman

: So if I sign up for my son in August, the school he will certainly be a place
Man B: I do not believe is that . in the short term, it requires some paperwork and some in a good school are in high demand
Mrs. A:. Oh, nonsense, my son gets the guaranteed space and we write good grades
man B: There will experience yet another nasty surprise
Perhaps this scenario will help in defining the blue miracle

In this sense. Beware that no one threatens you with a blue wonder

! should

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Gabrielle Union Is Not Dark Skinned!

series "everyday issues" - Episode 5: Why is there something everyday 0815?

is in today's age of information society in which one flooded every day with flashy pictures and pointless information can be especially in communications especially one, not 0815! One should be exceptional! Notice!

But where does the term really 0815?

The code expression that describes a daily routine has its origins in the First World War.

At that time the German troops had a kind of standard machine gun, the Maxim machine gun 8.15.

So therefore all the soldiers were used according to this standard MG.

The Maxim MG 08/15 was built quite complicated and had about 380 items. Accordingly, the soldiers were very long and hard to deal with it.

So went the saying, something is 0815, in our everyday language, and describes something that is routine and commonplace and with which one must employ themselves ad nauseam.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Waffle Iron Customised

series "everyday issues" - Episode 4: What is the short straw?

Each of us has ever given the following statement on its own or heard, "Well there you have but pulled the short straw!"

Today's entry deals with the question:

What is the short straw?

The concept of ass card is from a time when color television was not yet fully enforced and refers to the football.
This could see the spectators, the referee pulled out now, a yellow or red card, he wore them at various Points. The yellow in the breast pocket and the red in the back pocket (ass pocket).

And since the red card expulsion will be punished by the game, one can conclude that this player has clearly drawn the short straw!

The term round-the-ass card could also originate from a game like "asshole" game, or Black Peter ...

second will be familiar yet, so I would like to briefly explain the card game "asshole":

is played with a Skatblatt (32 cards), they are in a circle designed, they form the "asshole".

begins the first: it takes an (ass) card and places it in the middle.

The next examine whether one of his cards (fits in the first round has not got any cards), he puts these on the stack in the middle, otherwise it takes one from the "asshole" and see whether it fits.
Does it really, he lays them off.

If they do not fit, he takes the deck and places it in the "asshole".
is "mined" the asshole and really only winner is the first of cards greater.

Can not create a card, it says "continue" and the next one's turn.
Can no one wins, the fewer points it has in hand.

The loser is then the asshole and thus has the asshole card is drawn.

addition brings the short straw with something bad / negative in touch! If one has drawn the short straw, so the consequences are usually negative!

In diesem Sinne: Lassen Sie sich nicht die Arschkarte zu stecken und ziehen Sie auch keine!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Micronized Natural Progesterone

series "everyday issues" - Episode 3: why start in American feature films, the phone numbers are always 555?

"Gibst du mir deine Nummer?" - "Klar! 555-...."

Ist Ihnen schon einmal aufgefallen, dass in amerikanischen Spielfilmen jede Telefonnummer mit "555" beginnt? Tja, und genau deshalb lautet die heutige Everyday question:

start Why in American feature films, the phone numbers are always 555?

However, it is almost logical when you think about it for a while.

What happens when it is said on television a telephone number? Nothing? But ... There are always people who believe that Keanu Reeves is actually reached at the "0.1.5.-KEANU" call, and lo and behold, it picks up someone. But it's not Keanu. And it's not his maid. But it is a normal, civilian person who has been called once more, because another person has seen Keanu latest strip.

As it is, indeed, in the wake of the fact that numbers in the film certainly could be real numbers, often with complaints of "victims", it was in the '60s - resulting from a consumer protection action - a legal requirement that may be used in film and television to any actual numbers.

But why they opted for the "555"?

Die 555 wurde gewählt, weil auf den amerikanischen Wählscheiben die 5 für die Buchstaben J,K,L stehen und in so gut wie keinem englischen Wort diese Buchstabenfolge auftaucht (...).

Wer es trotzdem gern versuchen würde, findet beispielsweise hier eine Liste mit verschiedenen "555"-Nummern - den vermeintlichen Anschlüssen der Stars.


Fragen ohne

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Beautiful Agony Hacked

series "everyday issues" - Episode 2: Why does a more "Spanish" before?

Diese Redewendung hat its origin in beautiful Austria. Our first emperor was in fact King of Spain, before he ascended the Austrian throne. That he had to give up but to be Emperor of Austria.
Thus was the English language and way of life is an integral part of the total Austrian court.
All such notices and communications were now only written in English and published.

was in contrast to the noble people of the English language course can not speak, after which they could not understand the decisions.

derived from this historical context, to say the phrase "comes to my English before "beginning.
And anyone who ever tried to read on the streets of Barcelona a flyer that can be determined to identify with the poor people of that time, only understood English.

And who found the now English have to put the first royal . View notices

Monday, August 4, 2008

Free Digital Playground Movies Online Watch

series "everyday issues" - Episode 1: Why is someone presses the thumb?

I promised to respond as soon as the silly season again catchment refers Well, here it is the first question that arises in everyday life again.!

expresses Why give someone the thumbs?

Ok, der is gut!

Der Spruch stammt aus dem alten Rom, in dem per Daumenzeichen vom Publikum bekannt gegeben wurde, ob ein Gladiator zu sterben hat oder nicht. Dabei war egal, ob der Daumen nach unten oder nach oben zeigte. Hauptsache, er war zu sehen!

Wolle man den Gladiator hingegen nicht sterben sehen, musste der Daumen - am besten in der geballten Faust - versteckt werden. Herausgekommen is dabei unser heutiges "Daumendrücken". Heute ist darunter zu verstehen, dass man jemandem Glück wünscht!

Na dann! Immer fleißig Daumen drücken!


questions without