Friday, February 4, 2011

Cool Metalcore Outfit

the advertising lie - I am living proof

shows the most horrible thing in TV is currently off the news (except Luke Plöchl), the advertising insert is from mcdonalds. because such a puke on his oh-so-great job at mcdonalds told. "If it is said that one works at mcdonalds, people look funny." That is in itself a very peculiar confession: what is it for (for advertising Heinis of mcdonalds) funny to work at mcdonalds? mcdonalds that capitalism represents the fuck? what do the? funny could be that there is probably deserved bad (so you do not boss is People of forty), or that it is embarrassing to admit that you have to exploit services such low leaves. three tell people in the spot of her job at mcdonalds: the other two are young women, in which no one seems weird looks that you like the can (because they are women and therefore predestined for the shit job?). - "But if you say that you are boss of forty associates and earns good money looking at the same very different," says the einegeizler puke. but I'll STILL FUNNY - not the same and do not mind later. it is proved that the advertising is lying. I'm proof. the hat was. mcdonalds can aufblatteln from me! I can not even look different when me such a suck-ass face of erfolgsgeilem watch TV via the face show off.
I look funny, just because he was allowed to push in me just now, he's chief associates of forty unfortunate. eh probably mainly the women, most of them foreigners, who have no other choice if they want to end up as prostitutes or klofrauen.


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