Monday, June 30, 2008

Attitude Of A 14weeksold Doberman

Zwischen Medienrummel und Sommerloch?

At last we have a European champion - Viva Espania! It congratulates ...

But what happens when the transition between fiesta and siesta is almost fluent?

We all know the silly season that arises in the supposedly hottest months of the year because summer break is not only in parliament but everything but the heat soaked. On good German: There is absolutely nothing there, could tell you what. And then go the media of the country in search of approximately Berichtenswertem, the response is, despite all efforts no interest. The Otto-Normal-recipient asks cynically, "Well, there's nothing to report ... Is' silly season again?"

we said: We are all familiar.

Regardless of that, time is a bit puzzling, such as the media scratch after a big event like the European Football Championship, the curve of normality, without being noticed, this issue is now twofold: Not only must the normality returns to werden, sondern darüber hinaus klopft auch schon das obligatorische Sommerloch an die Tür von Kronen Zeitung, Zeit im Bild & Co.

Ich möchte einen bescheidenen Versuch wagen, diese Frage zu beantworten: Ein Großevent wie das der EURO '08 ist medial während dieser Zeit natürlich inhaltlicher Favorit; und auch wenn es uns so vorkommt, als würde nur mehr davon berichtet werden, so wird es dennoch stets begleitet von diesen kleinen, unbedeutenden (Achtung: Zynismus!) Alltagsereignissen wie dem Spitzenwechsel bei der SPÖ und einer nicht enden wollenden Naturkatastrophe in China.
Beobachtet man nun das Mediengeschehen, so wird bis zur letzten Minute über unseren inhaltlichen Favoriten berichtet. And even after that. But "later" is reported to continue over the small, insignificant everyday events. This company, however, simply state the recipient and more important, because "there are now nothing else". And so the media consumer move away from big event to the events of everyday life without realizing it, he finds himself caught in the ordinary reception, as he runs it every day, regardless of major events.

But what is it then, quite suddenly when a high to low (also known as "the silly season") and there is no intermediate level?

Again just a guess - watch carefully, it gets complicated: The overflowing Begeisterung der Medien für ein einziges Ereignis wirkt sich ja auf ganz natürlichem Wege auch auf den Rezipienten aus. Ist das Event vorbei und die Begeisterung auf einmal zu Ende und ist dann auch noch der Weg zum Sommerloch nicht weit, so fällt das dem schlauen Rezipienten zwar auf, er wird jedoch der Ansicht sein, dass er sich das Sommerloch nur einbildet. Denn er wird denken, dass ihm diese Zurücknahme der Medien nur deshalb so drastisch vorkommt, weil dieses eine Thema (EURO '08) davor so übermäßig präsent war. Und nachdem der Rezipient zwar klug ist, aber nicht in dem Ausmaß differenziert, wird ihm auch der Sturz ins Sommerloch nicht auffallen. Er vermag also nicht den Schritt zwischen Großevent and to distinguish normal in comparison to the step between the big event and summer slump. Got that?

And only when peace has returned once again, will notice to the recipient that it is almost too quiet is, that is the silly season has found reflection. And so the media have once again scratched the curve, without having done something for it.

After so do not worry about it there must be whether the transfer of large event to silly season may be done fluently (... because we now know can !...), He can also be argued with good reason: We long after the silly season!

For thus also told the Standard yesterday even before the final game of EURO: "exhausted, from football subscribed peace seekers appreciate the ensuing summer program might have been."
So it's a real reversal reaction in which the otherwise silly season almost hated is required - now that the EURO as much reception performance has required of us.

I agree that is the standard with his words here:

get ready for summer!

(And no, this is the case, it follows, as of August, the transfer of the most important and certainly the less important Olympic events ...)


The default

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Electro Device Pénis

Big Billboard is watching you!

Now another news which is again hereingetrudelt from the USA!

namely there were now billboards, so the well-known for over 100 years, billboards, tested, subject to adapt to their respective passersby can. The adaptation is by using cameras mounted to be carried out, which can elicit such as gender, age (based on the facial features) and the like. In addition, the attention span of the billboard and measured to demonstrate at the end where the real (!) Target a specific poster advertising content.
Of course, there have been around day and the target audience research, but who in reality ultimately viewed the posters and how long and hard he looks, can be found good only through this method. "Good" because it does indeed also been kind of analysis, but these were based on a manual provision, ie that people have counted on the spot, who themselves when looking at how long a billboard.

Well, depending on which person to recognize the cameras in front of a billboard with a suitable poster is presented.

was tested this new concept in New York, clients and the company responsible was Quividi from Paris, a company that decorates itself with the slogan "art in progress".

Well, and what are the first concerns that arise in such a case always? Right! The legitimate question about the privacy of passers-by. These concerns were expressed by Quividi-founder and chief developer Paolo Prandoni, saying "Everything we do is completely anonymous." rejected.

And where a trend, since usually a flood of applications! Not only are the digitization of billboards has become fashionable. There are already trucks on the move with mobile billboards.

It will be interesting how the thing goes on and continue our discussion after the Big Brother effect of the adaptive billboards.

Source: Medianet

Best Way Ta Paint An Alluminum Boat

Damit man sie nicht falsch herum aufhängen kann...

You got to hand it to me, as an exception!

The ARD news program "Daily Themes", was the occasion of the forthcoming semi-final between Germany and Turkey prepared a nice report. This was announcing to see the anchorman Tom Buhrow and behind him the flags of the nations - at least being considered!
Because, unfortunately, came the colors of the German flag slightly confused: Instead of the often praised colors black, red and gold was the color combination of red-black-yellow.


And who believe it can not or will not:

course, absolutely unabhängig davon sei der Bildzeitung für die Aufklärung darüber gedankt, weshalb die "Ösis Dösis" sind - die kam nämlich am Tage des Gruppenspiels zwischen Österreich und Deutschland am 16. Juni 2008.

Mitunter sind die Ösis nämlich Dösis, weil:

"... ihre Flagge rot-weiß-rot ist, damit sie das Ding nicht falsch herum aufhängen."

(Grund 4/30, Quelle )

Ach so...


Die Presse

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wording For Invitation For Farewell

Tag der...

...Kindersicherheit ist heute, am 10. Juni! Or else: Kids Safety Day.

In times like these, where the media are dominated by the European Championships - and yes, I admit that yesterday's blog entry is no exception - you should be in today's entry might be a little "oasis" to see the rest. No demanding content, no critical discourse, not European, not even with the media has to do today's entry. Should just be fun and relaxing ...

We all know the "world days". Labour Day, Day of the apple, Day of the Sun, Children's Day, national holiday - such as the Portuguese (which is incidentally also today) and so on.
But what they really represent, these World days? Wikipedia makes it possible: "A World Day to commemorate international issues and current world problems, the first World Day on October 31, 1947 was proclaimed by the UN for himself.."

All that to clear!

Many these days are familiar to us, but in the meantime, almost every date in the year is any event that this date is dedicated. And no doubt also like to lose track of time.

Besides that carry many of these days real world problems and issues of international interest account, I now want to give a glimpse of what a rather meaningless and sometimes simply odd and absurd days, it already exists.

  • 18th January: Winnie the Pooh Day - quite simply, that day was where the inventor of the Pu-bear, Alexander Milne was born. (Incidentally, in 1882.)
  • 20th April: International Noise Awareness Day - As the name suggests! And because we know better double stops, there's the same Memorial Day on 25 April all over again. And because we's exaggerating, but do not want, and want to silence the opponents of same sanatorium do something good, there are again five days later (April 30) the day of the noise .
  • first Sunday in May: World Laughter Day - Hopefully we have all the requirements. Do you's to?
  • 25th May: Towel Day or day of the towel - This day is held in memory of Douglas Adams, on 11 Died May 2001. The day will of course also take place since 2001. And why is Douglas Adams? Read here to .
  • 16th September: Talk-like-a-Pirate Day - Very funny. And why? The day plays on the romanticized, idealized vision of the "golden age of piracy". By whom and exactly how it came to that day, also explained Wikipedia .
  • first June: International Day of milk - And because there is always a reference to current events, but once you think about free will, when the last dairy farmer strike in the German-speaking countries took place. a tiny hint, here's and here.
  • 21st June: day of sleep - For all students who also want one to reasonably pursue their favorite pastime. And of course for the marmots, koalas and dormouse.
  • 21st November: World Hello Day - The purpose of this day Regards and are therefore subsequently promoted communication between people to prevent war.
  • 27th November: Buy Nothing Day European - The name says it all: It should not be purchased to spend the time instead with family and friends. Very thoughtfully ...
  • For rounding, the Americans did not last a National Nothing Day (16th January), the (OK, I revise my statement that today's entry nothing to do with media ... ) was launched by U.S. journalists to life and is the "non party" dedicated - it is just no national or Welttag gefeiert, sondern das pure Nichts, das Vorhandensein keines Anlasses.

Es gibt noch eine Reihe weiterer Welttage, die man in Google (unverbindliche Suchmaschinen-Empfehlung) finden und erforschen kann, aber dieser Einblick in die absurdesten Welttage dieses Erdballs zeigt einmal mehr: Es gibt nichts, das man nicht übertreiben kann...


Viel Spaß beim heutigen vierten Spiel tag der Fußball-Europameisterschaft!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Pandora Stores In Manhattan, Ny

Lasset die Spiele beginnen!

Haben wir es also geschafft - das erste EURO 2008-Wochenende und somit den Start in das Sportevent des Jahres.
Doch nicht nur wir als Zuschauer have done it, but the media is right up there. Above all, the advertising is a constant companion before, during and possibly after the European Championship.

announced the standard but last Tuesday that the euro hype not quite on the advertising industry passed. I have to ask but really: Pardon me?! Every other advertising cries out for football and European champions.
The newspaper based this assertion with the fact that at least those customers stay on the sidelines, having to do with football and the euro itself at all.

Somewhere understandable since the ORF its advertising rates for the period of the EM to astronomical 30 to 40% has increased. Well, after the ORF nunmal is the advertising medium for the EURO as such, remains the advertisers in the nation to pay no choice. Or not.

provides Nevertheless, a variety of competitive and non-competitive products every day a battle of the EURO-up advertisements.

I have for you my absolute favorites picked out: the Wiener Linien. Yes, it's is hard to believe, but this campaign can be found in glorious spotlight. unanimously declared itself in our public transport service that is best traveled with him to the European Championships and placarded, not just their own buses and waiting huts with foiled advertising, but may also addition, even sparkling, funny commercials, which - with the simple slogan - as if taken from everyday life "We are going to EM!" are provided.

I've been searching for completeness and to wish in advance before a magnificent EURO-time. Not only during games but also during the first half. Thanks be to the creative people in "our" advertising minds.

Spot 1

Spot 2

Spot 3

Spot 4

Spot 5 Spot 6


Der Standard