Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wording For Invitation For Farewell

Tag der...

...Kindersicherheit ist heute, am 10. Juni! Or else: Kids Safety Day.

In times like these, where the media are dominated by the European Championships - and yes, I admit that yesterday's blog entry is no exception - you should be in today's entry might be a little "oasis" to see the rest. No demanding content, no critical discourse, not European, not even with the media has to do today's entry. Should just be fun and relaxing ...

We all know the "world days". Labour Day, Day of the apple, Day of the Sun, Children's Day, national holiday - such as the Portuguese (which is incidentally also today) and so on.
But what they really represent, these World days? Wikipedia makes it possible: "A World Day to commemorate international issues and current world problems, the first World Day on October 31, 1947 was proclaimed by the UN for himself.."

All that to clear!

Many these days are familiar to us, but in the meantime, almost every date in the year is any event that this date is dedicated. And no doubt also like to lose track of time.

Besides that carry many of these days real world problems and issues of international interest account, I now want to give a glimpse of what a rather meaningless and sometimes simply odd and absurd days, it already exists.

  • 18th January: Winnie the Pooh Day - quite simply, that day was where the inventor of the Pu-bear, Alexander Milne was born. (Incidentally, in 1882.)
  • 20th April: International Noise Awareness Day - As the name suggests! And because we know better double stops, there's the same Memorial Day on 25 April all over again. And because we's exaggerating, but do not want, and want to silence the opponents of same sanatorium do something good, there are again five days later (April 30) the day of the noise .
  • first Sunday in May: World Laughter Day - Hopefully we have all the requirements. Do you's to?
  • 25th May: Towel Day or day of the towel - This day is held in memory of Douglas Adams, on 11 Died May 2001. The day will of course also take place since 2001. And why is Douglas Adams? Read here to .
  • 16th September: Talk-like-a-Pirate Day - Very funny. And why? The day plays on the romanticized, idealized vision of the "golden age of piracy". By whom and exactly how it came to that day, also explained Wikipedia .
  • first June: International Day of milk - And because there is always a reference to current events, but once you think about free will, when the last dairy farmer strike in the German-speaking countries took place. a tiny hint, here's and here.
  • 21st June: day of sleep - For all students who also want one to reasonably pursue their favorite pastime. And of course for the marmots, koalas and dormouse.
  • 21st November: World Hello Day - The purpose of this day Regards and are therefore subsequently promoted communication between people to prevent war.
  • 27th November: Buy Nothing Day European - The name says it all: It should not be purchased to spend the time instead with family and friends. Very thoughtfully ...
  • For rounding, the Americans did not last a National Nothing Day (16th January), the (OK, I revise my statement that today's entry nothing to do with media ... ) was launched by U.S. journalists to life and is the "non party" dedicated - it is just no national or Welttag gefeiert, sondern das pure Nichts, das Vorhandensein keines Anlasses.

Es gibt noch eine Reihe weiterer Welttage, die man in Google (unverbindliche Suchmaschinen-Empfehlung) finden und erforschen kann, aber dieser Einblick in die absurdesten Welttage dieses Erdballs zeigt einmal mehr: Es gibt nichts, das man nicht übertreiben kann...


Viel Spaß beim heutigen vierten Spiel tag der Fußball-Europameisterschaft!


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