Thursday, March 18, 2010

Préparation H Bio Dyne

The unattainable normal

Some crave love my fellow man to achieve continuously the standard state, but unfortunately never occurs. This applies to the Professional as well as the private. In the private chaos means, eg as regards the financial situation: Yes, if Christmas past, when we paid the braces / implants, if the sticker is no need for the car, the last loan installment was due, the holiday pay on the account .. . etc. .. THEN THEN but really you can treat yourself or what is finally heraußen of the woods. Unfortunately, you only cheat yourself - never enters this desired normal state. There is always (often unpredictable) vagaries of fate, their effect, if you're lucky, be limited to financial losses ... new holes in the teeth, broken engine parts, Issues that need to be made, but somehow happen incidentally - that is, without any significant, let alone edible, special benefits, just get straight to the normal upright ... the so-called normal state, which is not available anyway, any more than the average person, who is only a statistical figure (see the English word: figures :-))


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