Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I make no

way out and that's that. I hereby make it official: I apologize for not more people visit me, because it "with me today so looks" .
fact is, it not only looks "today" like this, but it looks as good as never look better, rather worse. who wants to visit me, can be a couple of house dust mice and related Not deter-mite. (They do not bite, they will only play anyway) the full laundry basket can be placed handles somewhere else where it is less in the way with a few. dust on the tv does not mind, my visit will not watch TV anyway. the crumbs at the table to remember happy hours of the breakfast - monuments will not be overthrown, just because someone strange apartment in my four walls takes place. with the spider webs no one comes in contact - as long as the hang up there already, it would mark a fateful, if they fall just in the moment, as the estimated hospitable moves underneath. (Someone that something like this happens is anyway a bad omen or has just such karma, and will never again asked to come - the next time it is probably a picture in your head - no thanks)
so what can happen in the worst case? clean socks that someone entering the apartment and leave dirty socks. after we're all neat people are to be discarded after one day wear socks anyway. why do almost clean socks in the washing machine? (Be happy but please, if my floor provides you a really visible due to wash them!)
a real excuse for our chaos is not it. any attempt to divert attention of our guests, while I am sorry for it, has the opposite effect: immediate effect, the perceived chaos and the comfort that we offer, displaced by it. Therefore now is an end of it. and I urge you all, I do the same! when I visit, it is not to clean with you, so do not talk anymore about it. also indicates that nine out of ten people piccobello everything anyway, even if they stutter their excuse. and in a dwelling superpipifeinen wants somebody like I hear and certainly not like that.
ps: my mother always says that when she says, gets someone's apartment was so clean you could eat off the floor: "Fortunately, we have a table."


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