Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Chances Of In Situ Melanoma Returning

Dies & Das

I owe you two supplements!

Addendum # 1:
And Groundhog Day! Beyond all the anthems and flag-Fauxpars ARD has done it again! You have once again an image behind the reporter pushed showing an incorrect arrangement of the German flag colors! But this time it was fortunately not the fault of ARD - at least indirectly, because watching one of the main virtues of a medium. Anyway! Live reporter Dietmar dough was to report on site (at the Berlin Fan Mile ... ...), to the great final match. And what happened? In the background, but smooth swing a fan of the national flag of the German nation in the wrong order!
As I said: There was no immediate fault of the ARD, but that this action was obviously a joke in memorium to the Fauxpars of the latter seems to be clear: First, such a mistake can not possibly happen twice in a row. Second, the option that it is another national flag, is ruled out as no other nation that combination of colors used.
It is wonderful to observe, that nothing remains without comment - whether through words or deeds.

Addendum # 2:
I've made a little smarter, as far as the silly season. For the middle we are now finally back. I have learned that there are an amazing number of synonyms and terms that are representative of the silly season.
are three of them came to me very frequently:

1) "sour cucumber time": This expression is
since 18 Century, the art and represents the time when there were only a few foods. An almost "hearted" Synonym for this term is the "season of the very small potatoes" (Eng.: "Season of the smallest potatoes"). And often in the more appropriate variant of definition "cucumbertime" is (dt, "Cucumber time ') is used.
is today the term "sour cucumber time" is also still used: mainly of businessmen, the so my cynical time of midsummer, whether in the holiday and vacation time in terms of transactions rather calm prevails. From the same motivation behind this concept was also accepted by journalism - meaning, of course, is the low intelligence of the year. In the case of media coverage and the issue I mentioned yesterday so the terminology "acid cucumber time" best!

2) "Silly season":
sounds a bit sarcastic synonym for the summer lull in sports: describes "Silly season" the same year, meaning that arise from lack of news in the sports sector instead speculation for crew changes and other personnel changes. (Some of these personnel changes even vote.)
This applies, mutatis mutandis, but only for sports, which tend to be not played in the summer, such as football or ice hockey.
is interesting that, for sports that are played very well in the summer, but it left out in winter (eg motor sports), in return das "Winterloch" existiert.

3) "Hundstage":
Darunter versteht man im europäischen Raum die heißen Tage im Sommer: Sie werden sogar kalendarisch festgehalten: Vom 23. Juli bis zum 23. August herrschen die "Hundstage". Der Begriff hat mit unseren Haustieren nur wenig zu tun, denn er stammt ursprünglich von dem Sternbild "Großer Hund" oder auch "Canis Major" oder gerne auch "Tage vom großen Hund", also - tada! - "Hundstage".
Mehr ist diesem Synonym leider nicht zu entnehmen, als dass es sich dabei um die vermeintlich heißesten Tage des Jahres handelt. ("Vermeintlich" deshalb, da sie sich in unseren Breitengraden schon um einiges nach hinten verschoben haben, dennoch aber dieser Period is still referred to as the "dog days")

terminology or not, you know it already. The media bring even the odd tribute to the now (finally) last European Football Championship, but it time it will again quiet in the countryside ...
order to provide you nevertheless continue with interesting blog entries, I continued to rummage in our well-known World Wide Web found a page that answers to all kinds of everyday questions ("Why do you push really the thumb?", "Is how the thing you put in the spot's on line? "or" Why is there no blue gummy bears? ") returns.
Whenever I
So the silly season again, "pure fudge", I want to have a blog post ready for you!



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