Friday, November 7, 2008

Ca 10000 Compared To Ca 12000 Bats

Twenty years ago, that I've performed in Ireland diary. Read my scribblings actually still quite happy, at least almost all of it. I am glad that I've written about so much time '- you can no longer claim me.
Lately I dreamed again of corpses. See it basically not as bad sign, it means much more that is old and makes room for new things. The body was in the living room of my parents and maggots and flies were crawling around on her. Rather than call the police, all shrugging their shoulders and turned away. I tried in a dream then, to call the police, but was first occupied, to achieve then no, then wrong again connected, etc. - in short, I had no success. What does this means? No idea!
Well, what is all this with a new black president in America? I just hope no one shoots him, because that would be a shame. He has enemies determined enough, for whatever reason, there's no real motive other than envy to kill these people ... Why do people bring to each other? Envy is almost always in the game, or at least indirectly, a defining element in a life where there is the possibility of someone intentionally kill.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Film Gemser Laura Streaming

November day the story so far ...

... have neglected the Berndorfer diary really very very long time. Shame about me! And I've already true fans, people who bookmark the my diary and look forward to new entries.
is happening within a short time a lot: How is the youth of Austria so many idol lost, there is no stone was left standing: 1st
Joerg Haider was drunk and drove too fast car (probably after visiting a gay bar, much rumored, some of it will be true) and it died in an accident.
second Bernhard Kohl is not a sporting idol anymore because doping was caught in a lie and to do so.
third Toni Polster, virtually a national saint who baptized his son, even Jesus, get a divorce.
If now the male Youth only around senseless rampage, it should not surprise us - in such a short time to see removed so many role models, which must probably have consequences.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Milking Milena Velba & Nadine Jansen

What is wrong with our world going?

Today's post deals with the idea, because every second but did not pronounce:

What happens to our world?

crashing stocks, banks break down. You is economically depressed and no one can say of himself, "actually I do not care." No it can not it can. Nobody do not care what happens to our world. But it can anyone not care that it is at once a savings guaranteed by the state are. Everyone secretly wonders what's going on! Was hiding something? Will gloss over the crisis? Is it even worse? The thoughts are still dark and gloomy it is, if this reality. But we do not paint black, but it is a depressing situation.

Lenken wir mal den Blick auf unser Land - Österreich.

Sonntag vor fast 2 Wochen hat Österreich gewählt. Das Wahlergebnis war wiederum zu Erwarten auch wenn Parteien wie FPÖ und BZÖ für eine Überraschung sorgten. Jetzt wird an einer neuen Regierung gebastelt. Es wird diskutiert, Gespräche und Verhandlungen werden geführt. Bundespräsident Heinz Fischer meldet sich zu Wort und beauftragt Werner Faymann mit der Bildung der neuen Regierung. Es ist 5 vor 12. Es muss was geschehen. Die versprochenen Wahlversprechen sollten schleunigst umgesetzt werden. Die Teuerung greift nämlich schon wieder um sich. Ab November wird Strom wieder teuerer. Es ist zum Haare raufen. Vorallem ist es aber ein Teufelskreis. Die Inflation is rampant, save the Austrians have. By saving measures but charities such as Caritas, the lack of donations. Thus, the Caritas than 20,000 Austrians are no longer in a helping hand and help as a year ago. But where should the money donated? Even the rich as well as claimed Fiona Swarovski few weeks ago in an interview, save to. The times have become worse.
Although saving is a big power, every 3rd Austrians thought of his money which is on the bench. Here was the government guarantee of Molterer. But that announcement did not seem like a tranquilizer.

incredible happens at the coffee chain Starbucks all over the world and also in Vienna. Employees must for hygiene reasons, the water running all the time. It is a waste of 23.4 million liters of drinking water daily. Hardly imagine! In the 3rd World is clean drinking water is a rare commodity. And Starbucks wasted so much of it. And now it's time to ask a crucial question: What's wrong with the world? What happens?

Everyone can afford for a small contribution, but also experience the economy has a boom and it has to go uphill again. Even the EU has failed in every aspect. What has been done too late, too late, the crisis was noticed. Now it is up to the institutions, governments, and of course to provide assistance and also to the EU reached a new stability.

Finally I can say is, unfortunately, we keep this critical time in the eye and hope for the best.

your relations team

Monday, September 22, 2008

Aircraft Gun Cameras For Sale

Tip of the Week: Media Fair 2008

The Relations team this week a special tip for you:

From Wednesday 24 Septemeber to Friday 26 Septemeber place in Vienna, the media fair in 2008 - instead of the trade fair for marketing, advertising, media and communication.

manufactured a look!

More information on

Monday, August 25, 2008

Black Light Exposes What Fluids

Has the number of "everyday issues" ever end?

you, dear readers, and readers are wondering when the Reihe "Alltagsfragen" ein Ende hat? Oder fragen Sie sich das doch nicht?

Wie in dem letzten Blog erwähnt, neigt sich das Sommerloch dem Ende und somit auch unsere Reihe. An dieser Stelle möchte ich meiner Hoffnung Ausdruck geben. Hier spreche ich auch im Namen unseres ganzen Teams. Wir hoffen, wir konnten Ihnen mit der Reihe "Alltagsfragen" eine Portion Spaß und Wissenswertes liefern.

Im heutigen Eintrag möchte ich mich noch mit einer weiteren, vielleicht auch der letzten Folge der "Alltagsfragen" befassen.

Heute dreht sich alles um: " einen Zahn zulegen "

"Leg doch einen Zahn zu!"
Das hat doch bestimmt schon wirklich jeder gehört. Wir wissen what it means, but we also know where it comes from?


Then we bring light into dark times. "Setting a tooth" is as much as hurry, speed up tempo. That was clear. But where does this saying?

There are two ways to view this statement. Let's start with the logical.
A drive from the old days had Antriebsradzähne. One wanted to move faster, then you put a tooth, so we switched it up a gear. Therefore comes down this statement, a tooth.

One view, which is a bit far-fetched, is that which says it has to do with cooking over an open fire. Formerly it was customary that Essen in einem Kessel über offenem Feuer gekocht wurde. Dieser Kessel hing an einer Metallstange, welche Zähne besaß. Kam nun der Mann heim und das Essen war noch nicht fertig, so sagt er zu seiner Frau: Leg einen Zahn zu! Die Frau hob den Kessel einen Zahn höher um die Fertigstellung des Essens anzutreiben.

Doch auch hinter dieser Sichtweise steht etwas ganz Wesentliches. Der Vorgang des Beschleunigens und die Geschwindigkeit.

Liebe Leser und Leserinnen, lassen Sie sich nicht hetzen und legen Sie nur einen Zahn zu, wenn Sie das auch möchten!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kirkland Signature Cookie

series "everyday issues" - Episode 7: by the flower ...

Liebe Leser und Leserinnen,

das Sommerloch neigt sich dem Ende zu. Das sommerliche Wetter, falls man es überhaupt als Such may be called, was variable and characterized by cool summer temperatures is not absolute.

I like to use during the last days of August, the opportunity and the series of "everyday issues" continue. Of course, this would continue indefinitely but we are not yet in a never-ending story.
So, sit back and enjoy episode 7 of our series.

Now we deal with the question:

what and why they say something in a roundabout?

Have you done it before?

something said by the flower?


Very well, and wenn Sie jetzt darüber nachdenken oder sich zurück erinnern, warum haben Sie denn etwas durch die Blume gesagt?

Gut, das ist scheinbar wirklich eine Überlegung wert.

Rollen wir das Ganze von einer anderen Seite auf. Was bedeutet dieser Ausdruck überhaupt: "Etwas durch die Blume sagen".

Die Bedeutung liegt darin, dass Tatsachen verschleiert und verschönert wieder gegeben werden. Vorallem unangenehme Tatsachen. Mit der einfachen Absicht dahinter, den Gegenüber nicht zu verärgern und mit der Hoffnung, dieser ist nicht böse, wenn Tatsachen verschleiert erzählt wird.

Nicht alle Menschen sind Freunde davon, wenn ihnen etwas durch die Blume erzählt wird. Dies should always be considered.

Choose the best for itself what track you take, the honest or the flower?

In this sense: Enjoy the last days of August! With or without flowers!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Certified Diamonds Worth Cost

series "everyday issues" - Episode 6: Into the blue

This statement has certainly get any ever heard, but maybe once pronounced: "You will still see your big surprise."

is thus the following question:

The Blue Wonder - Who or what is the blue wonder?

Who or what is the legendary blue wonder? This question is concerned, today's entry and the number of everyday issues will therefore be continued!

Where does this phrase mean? To answer this question, we travel back in time. Into the blue is the most famous bridge in Dresden. Here is a new design. The residents, this was a bit fishy, \u200b\u200bsince the range was enormous and the bridge piers in the river were not. The steel structure was painted in blue, what the horrible impression only grew stronger.

During the 2nd World War II was an attempt to blow up the bridge in the air. Despite completion of the demolition, the bridge remained standing and was nicknamed the "Blue Wonder".

Today we call the "blue . Miracle "a kind of mistake you make to further illustrate the following scenario: A woman

: So if I sign up for my son in August, the school he will certainly be a place
Man B: I do not believe is that . in the short term, it requires some paperwork and some in a good school are in high demand
Mrs. A:. Oh, nonsense, my son gets the guaranteed space and we write good grades
man B: There will experience yet another nasty surprise
Perhaps this scenario will help in defining the blue miracle

In this sense. Beware that no one threatens you with a blue wonder

! should

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Gabrielle Union Is Not Dark Skinned!

series "everyday issues" - Episode 5: Why is there something everyday 0815?

is in today's age of information society in which one flooded every day with flashy pictures and pointless information can be especially in communications especially one, not 0815! One should be exceptional! Notice!

But where does the term really 0815?

The code expression that describes a daily routine has its origins in the First World War.

At that time the German troops had a kind of standard machine gun, the Maxim machine gun 8.15.

So therefore all the soldiers were used according to this standard MG.

The Maxim MG 08/15 was built quite complicated and had about 380 items. Accordingly, the soldiers were very long and hard to deal with it.

So went the saying, something is 0815, in our everyday language, and describes something that is routine and commonplace and with which one must employ themselves ad nauseam.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Waffle Iron Customised

series "everyday issues" - Episode 4: What is the short straw?

Each of us has ever given the following statement on its own or heard, "Well there you have but pulled the short straw!"

Today's entry deals with the question:

What is the short straw?

The concept of ass card is from a time when color television was not yet fully enforced and refers to the football.
This could see the spectators, the referee pulled out now, a yellow or red card, he wore them at various Points. The yellow in the breast pocket and the red in the back pocket (ass pocket).

And since the red card expulsion will be punished by the game, one can conclude that this player has clearly drawn the short straw!

The term round-the-ass card could also originate from a game like "asshole" game, or Black Peter ...

second will be familiar yet, so I would like to briefly explain the card game "asshole":

is played with a Skatblatt (32 cards), they are in a circle designed, they form the "asshole".

begins the first: it takes an (ass) card and places it in the middle.

The next examine whether one of his cards (fits in the first round has not got any cards), he puts these on the stack in the middle, otherwise it takes one from the "asshole" and see whether it fits.
Does it really, he lays them off.

If they do not fit, he takes the deck and places it in the "asshole".
is "mined" the asshole and really only winner is the first of cards greater.

Can not create a card, it says "continue" and the next one's turn.
Can no one wins, the fewer points it has in hand.

The loser is then the asshole and thus has the asshole card is drawn.

addition brings the short straw with something bad / negative in touch! If one has drawn the short straw, so the consequences are usually negative!

In diesem Sinne: Lassen Sie sich nicht die Arschkarte zu stecken und ziehen Sie auch keine!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Micronized Natural Progesterone

series "everyday issues" - Episode 3: why start in American feature films, the phone numbers are always 555?

"Gibst du mir deine Nummer?" - "Klar! 555-...."

Ist Ihnen schon einmal aufgefallen, dass in amerikanischen Spielfilmen jede Telefonnummer mit "555" beginnt? Tja, und genau deshalb lautet die heutige Everyday question:

start Why in American feature films, the phone numbers are always 555?

However, it is almost logical when you think about it for a while.

What happens when it is said on television a telephone number? Nothing? But ... There are always people who believe that Keanu Reeves is actually reached at the "0.1.5.-KEANU" call, and lo and behold, it picks up someone. But it's not Keanu. And it's not his maid. But it is a normal, civilian person who has been called once more, because another person has seen Keanu latest strip.

As it is, indeed, in the wake of the fact that numbers in the film certainly could be real numbers, often with complaints of "victims", it was in the '60s - resulting from a consumer protection action - a legal requirement that may be used in film and television to any actual numbers.

But why they opted for the "555"?

Die 555 wurde gewählt, weil auf den amerikanischen Wählscheiben die 5 für die Buchstaben J,K,L stehen und in so gut wie keinem englischen Wort diese Buchstabenfolge auftaucht (...).

Wer es trotzdem gern versuchen würde, findet beispielsweise hier eine Liste mit verschiedenen "555"-Nummern - den vermeintlichen Anschlüssen der Stars.


Fragen ohne

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Beautiful Agony Hacked

series "everyday issues" - Episode 2: Why does a more "Spanish" before?

Diese Redewendung hat its origin in beautiful Austria. Our first emperor was in fact King of Spain, before he ascended the Austrian throne. That he had to give up but to be Emperor of Austria.
Thus was the English language and way of life is an integral part of the total Austrian court.
All such notices and communications were now only written in English and published.

was in contrast to the noble people of the English language course can not speak, after which they could not understand the decisions.

derived from this historical context, to say the phrase "comes to my English before "beginning.
And anyone who ever tried to read on the streets of Barcelona a flyer that can be determined to identify with the poor people of that time, only understood English.

And who found the now English have to put the first royal . View notices

Monday, August 4, 2008

Free Digital Playground Movies Online Watch

series "everyday issues" - Episode 1: Why is someone presses the thumb?

I promised to respond as soon as the silly season again catchment refers Well, here it is the first question that arises in everyday life again.!

expresses Why give someone the thumbs?

Ok, der is gut!

Der Spruch stammt aus dem alten Rom, in dem per Daumenzeichen vom Publikum bekannt gegeben wurde, ob ein Gladiator zu sterben hat oder nicht. Dabei war egal, ob der Daumen nach unten oder nach oben zeigte. Hauptsache, er war zu sehen!

Wolle man den Gladiator hingegen nicht sterben sehen, musste der Daumen - am besten in der geballten Faust - versteckt werden. Herausgekommen is dabei unser heutiges "Daumendrücken". Heute ist darunter zu verstehen, dass man jemandem Glück wünscht!

Na dann! Immer fleißig Daumen drücken!


questions without

Thursday, July 31, 2008

How To Masterbate In A Shower

Back to the Future

an eye catcher, this title, this is still a we all known blockbusters from far past years.
But here is it not go to the movie today, but quite different: It is again the Web 2.0, which has its say and this time we introduce a new option to take a look into the past. With the online platform stay friends "you can now actively seeking colleagues from previous Years of school (whether from the primary school, secondary school or any other school phase of their lives) are looking for. About
State, City / Town and school can click through to people from their own past. Of course, but only if we in return creates a unique profile with all the required information.
These include all the required information, which contributes about themselves maßgblich: address, school, year, etc. On the one hand, certainly a question of data protection and the necessity to release the data. On the other hand, a thoroughly legitimate request because otherwise breaks down the network itself and in itself. And to ensure that people not only in voyeuristic Style log into the system, just to see just what Hans and Franz from driving past today, you have to cough up even just a piece of privacy.

I find absolutely fine! Finally, a curious white at any time, for which the network is used and therefore knows the conditions of that to which he is here "gets involved".

A nice thing also. All the better, the more people sign up there. A snowball effect would be desirable.

the way it has long been given previously in relatives of StayFriends platform - namely " Facebook " and " StudiVz " (now with branches such as "meinvz" for graduates and SchülerVZ "for our recent Web 2.0 users).

Also there will be a requirement to provide all data that can reveal about themselves. Sometimes, however, is the name of the most important personality traits, because ultimately, the search on this.

A great trend with proven success!

But what after all is like our case in a fast paced, follows every trend and another way - if we're at it - it was that the publication of new, seemingly at first confusing terms and conditions in StudiVz unsettle the entrants and their names the funniest ways distorted. HOW TO initials not uncommon, as is the indication of the name, but only the first letter of the surname, like even the own nickname, or a particularly new, but in the meantime legendary classic: the last name with a black or - if the color quality the platform - red bar covers. And finally, are fancy names like "Mrs. StudiVz" or "Hard Working Woman" no longer a rarity. Rarely is that a name aufscheint in their correct form, according to deed.
This and similar results in an overwhelming mass of StudiVz "enrolled" is found not under her real name.

Gut... jedem das Seine (es kam bei Facebook übrigens in keiner trendlastigen Weise zu solcherart Änderungen).

Aber verwirft dies nicht den Sinn der Plattform?

Klassisch möchte ich auch heute wieder meinen Blogeintrag mit einer in den Raum gestellten Frage beenden.

So long!

Ihre RELATIONS Communications

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fluorescent Blogger Templates

Der einzig wahre Vorteil...

...der Neuwahlen im Herbst heißt "Ingrid Thurnher".

Schon sechs Mal wurde die gute Frau mit der "Goldenen Romy" und dem damit einhergehenden Titel "beliebteste Moderatorin" ausgezeichnet. Aber Achtung: Beliebt ist nicht immer gleichzusetzen mit sympathisch! Damit meine I in no way that I think women Thurnher not likeable, but I can think of quite a people who could not feel that way. Why? Simple thing: Mrs. Thurow is subjectively considered the only lady who has the ability of the ORF access, if necessary. (Where the gender-heavy name should be here in no way reduced to its nature or otherwise. There is no Men is the ORF that make it better than our dear wife Thurnher).
And where is it on a regular basis (sometimes regular, if one considers that between pushed-election) to show necessary penetration power? Right! In the TV for us as amusing confrontations anlässlich der Wahlen! Und freilich wird nichts erquickender sein, als gerade jetzt bei den noch umfochteneren Neu wahlen eben diese Duelle zu genießen. Doch dass gewisse Teilnehmer an diesen Duellen Frau Thurnher seltener als "sympathisch" bezeichnen könnten, ergibt die Logik.

Doch wir brauchen sie wieder - mit ihren konsequenten Unterbrechungen, wenn sich einmal mehr ein Herr Westenthaler und ein Herr Strache (beispielhaft herausgegriffen) in alter Manier mit flegelhaften Unworten bewerfen.

Sie hat diese Aufgabe schon äußerst gut bei den eigentlichen Nationalratswahlen 2006 gemeistert und sorgt für Zuversicht, wenn es um die seit heute festgelegten Diskussionsrunden ab August geht.

But before I turn the game board ... ! Pardon Discussion groups plan ... let it be known, I refer to a quote from the ORF itself, which says:

"Ingrid Thurnher can point to the highest approval ratings among the viewers and spectators."

this I would like to know again emphasized that prevails among the spectators certainly sympathy for the lady of the ORF.

So here's the TV schedule for the various David-Goliath battles (ORF 2):

Friday 22 August, 21.15 clock
TV confrontation: FPÖ - BZÖ

Sunday 24 August, 11.05 clock
Pressestunde with top candidate BZÖ

Tuesday 26 August, 21.05 clock
TV confrontation: Social Democratic Party - Green

Thursday 28 August, 21.05 clock
TV confrontation: ÖVP - BZÖ

Sunday 31 August, 11.05 clock
News Hour with Alexander Van der Bellen (Green Party)

Tuesday 2 September, 21.05 clock
TV confrontation: ÖVP - FPÖ

Thursday 4 September, 21.05 clock
TV confrontation: Green - BZÖ

Sunday 7 September, 11.05 clock
Pressestunde to Heinz-Christian Strache (FPÖ)

Tuesday 9 September, 21.05 clock
TV confrontation: Green - FPÖ

Thursday 11 September, 21.05 clock
TV confrontation: SPÖ - BZÖ

Sunday 14 September, 11.05 clock
News Hour with Wilhelm Molterer (ÖVP)

Tuesday 16 September, 21.05 clock
TV confrontation: Social Democratic Party - FPÖ

Thursday 18 September, 21.05 clock
TV confrontation: ÖVP - Green

Sunday 21 September, 11.05 clock
News Hour with Faymann (SPÖ)

Sunday 21 September, 22.00 clock
"in the center special" with the candidates on the candidate, not represented in Parliament

Tuesday 23 September, 21.05 clock
TV confrontation: Social Democratic Party - ÖVP

Thursday 25 September, 20.15 clock
begin discussion of the five top candidates

Let the games!


ORF service

ORF Service News


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Położenie Geograficzne Rumunii

DER ORF und die WM 2010

Kaum ist die Europameisterschaft vorbei, beginnen rege Diskussionen um die Ausstrahlung der Weltmeisterschaftsspiele 2010.

Eines ist jedoch jetzt schon klar, der ORF überträgt 46 von den 64 Spielen der kommenden Weltmeisterschaft in Südafrika. Laut dem ORF- Informationsdirektor Elmar Oberhauser, wird der ORF alles tun um die Österreich-Rechte für die Ausstrahlung der anderen 18 spiele zu erwerben.

Der Wehrmutstropfen hierbei: der Sender RTL hat die Rechte für eine Ausstrahlung von 18 Spielen, unter anderem Österreich, bereits in der Tasche.
Unsere deutschen Nachbarn haben jetzt schon alle Ausstrahlungsrechte unter Thought to be related and professional. As with the 2006 World Cup, ARD and ZDF will share the broadcasting of the Games. ARD / ZDF radiate a total of 46 games, of course, all matches of the German national team as well as the two semi-finals and finals.
RTL shows 18 games

But for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, the ORF already obtained all rights to all games. This Mr. Elmar Oberhauser stressed very clearly.

So we can now look forward to the World Cup games 2014th Thanks ORF!

And the games of the upcoming World Cup, well, because the games just look at ORF, ARD / ZDF and RTL views. This fact is not going to a football fans the joy of the 2010 World Cup perish!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Duofem Side Effects Promotes Menstruation

Visuelle Wirkungsmessung!

Die Effizienz einer Werbekampagne zu messen, erscheint als das essentielle Ziel der Werbewirkungsforschung. Nimmt man nun die Effizienz als Faktor der Aufmerksamkeit so ist wohl die „Augenkamera“ ein durchaus funktionierendes Messinstrument für PoS (für weniger Informierte: Point of Sale)- Kampagnen. Hier wird eine Mini-Kamera direkt am Ort des Geschehens –unsichtbar für mögliche „Werbe-Opfer“- angebracht. Die Aufmerksamkeit, die eine bestimmte Werbemaßnahme erlangt, wird dann mittels der Blickbewegungen und Verweilpunkte der Passanten gemessen.

Es handelt sich, so Experten, um ein objektives Messsystem, das die Blickbewegungen der vorüber gehenden Passanten aufzeichnet. Verweilt der Blick an einem Punkt, beziehungsweise wandert dieser an einem unterbewusst wahrgenommenen Punkt zurück, so ist das ein Indiz für die Wirksamkeit einer Werbemaßnahme.

In der Regel nimmt der Mensch ja ein Tausendfaches an Informationen von dem auf, was uns tatsächlich bewusst wird. Werbung wirkt demnach auch unterbewusst. Erst wenn wir unser Bewusstsein gezielt auf etwas richten – wenn auch nur für wenige Augenblicke- hat die Werbemaßnahme ihren Zweck erfüllt.

Anhand der Augenkamera lässt sich also darauf schließen, wie äußere Reize auf uns wirken, welche übersehen werden und welche in unser Bewusstsein dringen. Ein errungenes Interesse ist zwar natürlich noch kein Indiz für eine mögliche Kaufentscheidung. Dennoch würde es im Falle eines existenten Motivs dieses bestärken und möglicherweise zu einer Kaufentscheidung führen.

Durch diese Möglichkeit der Werbewirkungsmessung lässt sich die Aufmerksamkeitssteuerung der verschiedenen Werbemaßnahmen objektiv festhalten und liefert somit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Wirkungsforschung von POS- Kampagnen. Immerhin nehmen wir 90% aller eingehenden Informationen über unsere Augen auf.

Aktuell plant Norbert Haimberger, Geschäftsführer der Werbeagentur den Ausbau der Augenkamera auf 1.500 Trafiken Österreichweit. Nach einer einmonatigen Testphase bietet ihm Trafik TV die ideale Umgebung die Effizienz von Werbemaßnahmen an einer POS-Situation zu testen. Er erhält aussagekräftige Daten zum Nutzungsverhalten des Trafik Besuchers. Mittels einer eigens angebrachten webcam werden die Passanten gefilmt und es werden die Augenaktivitäten registriert. Neben Blickkontakten werden Anzahl und Zeitspanne, sowie das Geschlecht der Personen aufgezeichnet. Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse möchte man nutzen, um neue Werbespots besser auf Zielgruppen abstimmen zu können. Mit einer Reichweite von jeweils mehr als 10.000 Personen direkt am PoS rechnet man mit sehr aussagekräftigen Auswertungen.

Fazit also: Beim nächsten Einkaufsbummel auf webcam-Pirsch gehen und mal schön reingrinsen... damit es auch beim Auswerten mal etwas Interessantes zu sehen gibt☺

Monday, July 7, 2008

Bendel Eucalyptus Candle

Und täglich grüßt das Murmeltier!

Jetzt wird's aber schön langsam albern... Aber solange die Tagesthemen es nicht unterlassen, grüßt auch in diesem Blog täglich das Tagesthemen-Fehler-Murmeltier, denn...

Sie haben's schon wieder getan... Erneut haben sie eine Nationalflagge falsch dargestellt:

Wem's nicht auffällt: Bei diesen Stars & Stripes gibt's zu viele der Stripes.

Vorgefallen ist diese Verunglimpfung der amerikanischen Flagge am vergangenen Donnerstag. So wird die Fehldarstellung von Nationalflaggen scheinbar zum daily sport der ARD Tagesthemen... weswegen ich gerne eine Empfehlung unterbreiten möchte:

Einführungskurs Vexillologie - Bequem von zu Hause und mithilfe von unseren Lehrern Google, Hausverstand und Wikipedia!

Lektion #1: Die amerikanische Flagge!



Es stellt sich - Zynismus hin oder her - die Frage, wie es zu derart vielen Flaggen-Pannen in der letzten Zeit kommen konnte? Praktikanten? Rächer? Sommerpause auch für die Denker? Was geht hier schief? Diese Frage war und ist bislang ungeklärt...

Rechtfertigungen und Erklärungen kommen wie folgt seitens des (für ARD-aktuell responsible) NDR: The graphic is larger than the mat was then inserted flag, so it happened that an elongated surface of which was white.

That the sum of these margins, and above all this art margins are not acceptable to even the ARD. The radical reaction of the eradication of the total contribution for the online platform, was later revised by the Moderation was simply left out, including the graphical Fauxpars'.

It was decided then that the breakdown version of the post on YouTube, and the puncture-free version in the "evening news" shows.

The compromise is nice, but unfortunately replaced not the problem that no such error in this overdoses have happened.



Thursday, July 3, 2008

Go Cart Buggy Blueprint

Keine Überraschung...

remained this year's presentation of the most expensive brands of Austro European Brand Insitute Vienna. Unchanged, D. Mateschitz place with Red Bull back on top of the domestic brand rankings. Legendary € 12.026 billion is the brand value of his empire, which in turn has grown nearly 10% over the previous year. Since 2004 this has risen by a staggering 85%.
remain unchanged, the second and third places. With a value of 4.98 billion € adorns Swarovski weiterhin Platz zwei gefolgt von der Raiffeisen-Bankengruppe mit einem 2,92 Mrd. € schweren Markenwert. Als einziger Newcomer unter den Top Ten, die sich weiterführend zusammensetzen aus Spar, Casinos Austria, Mobilcom Austria, ÖBB, Erste Bank und Novomatic kann die Telecom Austria genannt werden. Mit einem Markenwertwachstum von 16,3% stößt sie die österreichischen Lotterien von Platz 10.

Im regionalen Vergleich lässt sich jedoch ein gewisser Nachholbedarf erkennen. Es zeigt sich in Österreich ein starkes Nord-Süd-Gefälle, so Gerhard Hrebicek, Herausgeber der „euro-brand2008“. Während es in den südlichen Bundesländern, Steiermark, Kärnten und dem Burgenland nur few companies have managed to highlight strong brands, can be found mainly in Vienna, Salzburg and Tyrol, the brands in the country.
European comparison, Austria is in the upper third, Hrebicek. More detailed analysis is starting only in September in the new "eurobrand2008" read.

is interesting to analyze the result that the actually a "brand-resistant" defined industries such as logistics and industrial brands, are on the fast track. Sun seen as the top construction company Salzburg AG and post more than 20% increase in brand value.

So much for the new brand value ranking. Only comment would be: A There is no surprise. But let's be honest, to solve this point, would require quite a few.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Magasin Granni Giants Titis

Danke Österreich für das Mega-Event!

The EM 2008 is now over. Sorry! I, as a few football fans had a lot of fun over the 3 weeks and spent several hours in the fan zones in Vienna. Organizationally, I have to admit, even at the storm with the Germany-Turkey game everything went without a hitch. I was impressed by the atmosphere and the many people who deliberately traveled to Vienna to celebrate peacefully together. A little disappointed I was, however, without trying to generalize it to some unknown to me, Austrians, who barely contain her glee could, as soon as the Germans worsened. No matter agree, the main thing against Germany! Too bad, because only the athletic performance should be at the forefront and not the sympathy or the past. The purpose of such a spectacle it is to unite nations and not to provoke each other. A high-so on the German-Austrian friendship!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Chances Of In Situ Melanoma Returning

Dies & Das

I owe you two supplements!

Addendum # 1:
And Groundhog Day! Beyond all the anthems and flag-Fauxpars ARD has done it again! You have once again an image behind the reporter pushed showing an incorrect arrangement of the German flag colors! But this time it was fortunately not the fault of ARD - at least indirectly, because watching one of the main virtues of a medium. Anyway! Live reporter Dietmar dough was to report on site (at the Berlin Fan Mile ... ...), to the great final match. And what happened? In the background, but smooth swing a fan of the national flag of the German nation in the wrong order!
As I said: There was no immediate fault of the ARD, but that this action was obviously a joke in memorium to the Fauxpars of the latter seems to be clear: First, such a mistake can not possibly happen twice in a row. Second, the option that it is another national flag, is ruled out as no other nation that combination of colors used.
It is wonderful to observe, that nothing remains without comment - whether through words or deeds.

Addendum # 2:
I've made a little smarter, as far as the silly season. For the middle we are now finally back. I have learned that there are an amazing number of synonyms and terms that are representative of the silly season.
are three of them came to me very frequently:

1) "sour cucumber time": This expression is
since 18 Century, the art and represents the time when there were only a few foods. An almost "hearted" Synonym for this term is the "season of the very small potatoes" (Eng.: "Season of the smallest potatoes"). And often in the more appropriate variant of definition "cucumbertime" is (dt, "Cucumber time ') is used.
is today the term "sour cucumber time" is also still used: mainly of businessmen, the so my cynical time of midsummer, whether in the holiday and vacation time in terms of transactions rather calm prevails. From the same motivation behind this concept was also accepted by journalism - meaning, of course, is the low intelligence of the year. In the case of media coverage and the issue I mentioned yesterday so the terminology "acid cucumber time" best!

2) "Silly season":
sounds a bit sarcastic synonym for the summer lull in sports: describes "Silly season" the same year, meaning that arise from lack of news in the sports sector instead speculation for crew changes and other personnel changes. (Some of these personnel changes even vote.)
This applies, mutatis mutandis, but only for sports, which tend to be not played in the summer, such as football or ice hockey.
is interesting that, for sports that are played very well in the summer, but it left out in winter (eg motor sports), in return das "Winterloch" existiert.

3) "Hundstage":
Darunter versteht man im europäischen Raum die heißen Tage im Sommer: Sie werden sogar kalendarisch festgehalten: Vom 23. Juli bis zum 23. August herrschen die "Hundstage". Der Begriff hat mit unseren Haustieren nur wenig zu tun, denn er stammt ursprünglich von dem Sternbild "Großer Hund" oder auch "Canis Major" oder gerne auch "Tage vom großen Hund", also - tada! - "Hundstage".
Mehr ist diesem Synonym leider nicht zu entnehmen, als dass es sich dabei um die vermeintlich heißesten Tage des Jahres handelt. ("Vermeintlich" deshalb, da sie sich in unseren Breitengraden schon um einiges nach hinten verschoben haben, dennoch aber dieser Period is still referred to as the "dog days")

terminology or not, you know it already. The media bring even the odd tribute to the now (finally) last European Football Championship, but it time it will again quiet in the countryside ...
order to provide you nevertheless continue with interesting blog entries, I continued to rummage in our well-known World Wide Web found a page that answers to all kinds of everyday questions ("Why do you push really the thumb?", "Is how the thing you put in the spot's on line? "or" Why is there no blue gummy bears? ") returns.
Whenever I
So the silly season again, "pure fudge", I want to have a blog post ready for you!



Wikipedia Wikipedia 1


Wikimedia 3

Monday, June 30, 2008

Attitude Of A 14weeksold Doberman

Zwischen Medienrummel und Sommerloch?

At last we have a European champion - Viva Espania! It congratulates ...

But what happens when the transition between fiesta and siesta is almost fluent?

We all know the silly season that arises in the supposedly hottest months of the year because summer break is not only in parliament but everything but the heat soaked. On good German: There is absolutely nothing there, could tell you what. And then go the media of the country in search of approximately Berichtenswertem, the response is, despite all efforts no interest. The Otto-Normal-recipient asks cynically, "Well, there's nothing to report ... Is' silly season again?"

we said: We are all familiar.

Regardless of that, time is a bit puzzling, such as the media scratch after a big event like the European Football Championship, the curve of normality, without being noticed, this issue is now twofold: Not only must the normality returns to werden, sondern darüber hinaus klopft auch schon das obligatorische Sommerloch an die Tür von Kronen Zeitung, Zeit im Bild & Co.

Ich möchte einen bescheidenen Versuch wagen, diese Frage zu beantworten: Ein Großevent wie das der EURO '08 ist medial während dieser Zeit natürlich inhaltlicher Favorit; und auch wenn es uns so vorkommt, als würde nur mehr davon berichtet werden, so wird es dennoch stets begleitet von diesen kleinen, unbedeutenden (Achtung: Zynismus!) Alltagsereignissen wie dem Spitzenwechsel bei der SPÖ und einer nicht enden wollenden Naturkatastrophe in China.
Beobachtet man nun das Mediengeschehen, so wird bis zur letzten Minute über unseren inhaltlichen Favoriten berichtet. And even after that. But "later" is reported to continue over the small, insignificant everyday events. This company, however, simply state the recipient and more important, because "there are now nothing else". And so the media consumer move away from big event to the events of everyday life without realizing it, he finds himself caught in the ordinary reception, as he runs it every day, regardless of major events.

But what is it then, quite suddenly when a high to low (also known as "the silly season") and there is no intermediate level?

Again just a guess - watch carefully, it gets complicated: The overflowing Begeisterung der Medien für ein einziges Ereignis wirkt sich ja auf ganz natürlichem Wege auch auf den Rezipienten aus. Ist das Event vorbei und die Begeisterung auf einmal zu Ende und ist dann auch noch der Weg zum Sommerloch nicht weit, so fällt das dem schlauen Rezipienten zwar auf, er wird jedoch der Ansicht sein, dass er sich das Sommerloch nur einbildet. Denn er wird denken, dass ihm diese Zurücknahme der Medien nur deshalb so drastisch vorkommt, weil dieses eine Thema (EURO '08) davor so übermäßig präsent war. Und nachdem der Rezipient zwar klug ist, aber nicht in dem Ausmaß differenziert, wird ihm auch der Sturz ins Sommerloch nicht auffallen. Er vermag also nicht den Schritt zwischen Großevent and to distinguish normal in comparison to the step between the big event and summer slump. Got that?

And only when peace has returned once again, will notice to the recipient that it is almost too quiet is, that is the silly season has found reflection. And so the media have once again scratched the curve, without having done something for it.

After so do not worry about it there must be whether the transfer of large event to silly season may be done fluently (... because we now know can !...), He can also be argued with good reason: We long after the silly season!

For thus also told the Standard yesterday even before the final game of EURO: "exhausted, from football subscribed peace seekers appreciate the ensuing summer program might have been."
So it's a real reversal reaction in which the otherwise silly season almost hated is required - now that the EURO as much reception performance has required of us.

I agree that is the standard with his words here:

get ready for summer!

(And no, this is the case, it follows, as of August, the transfer of the most important and certainly the less important Olympic events ...)


The default

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Electro Device Pénis

Big Billboard is watching you!

Now another news which is again hereingetrudelt from the USA!

namely there were now billboards, so the well-known for over 100 years, billboards, tested, subject to adapt to their respective passersby can. The adaptation is by using cameras mounted to be carried out, which can elicit such as gender, age (based on the facial features) and the like. In addition, the attention span of the billboard and measured to demonstrate at the end where the real (!) Target a specific poster advertising content.
Of course, there have been around day and the target audience research, but who in reality ultimately viewed the posters and how long and hard he looks, can be found good only through this method. "Good" because it does indeed also been kind of analysis, but these were based on a manual provision, ie that people have counted on the spot, who themselves when looking at how long a billboard.

Well, depending on which person to recognize the cameras in front of a billboard with a suitable poster is presented.

was tested this new concept in New York, clients and the company responsible was Quividi from Paris, a company that decorates itself with the slogan "art in progress".

Well, and what are the first concerns that arise in such a case always? Right! The legitimate question about the privacy of passers-by. These concerns were expressed by Quividi-founder and chief developer Paolo Prandoni, saying "Everything we do is completely anonymous." rejected.

And where a trend, since usually a flood of applications! Not only are the digitization of billboards has become fashionable. There are already trucks on the move with mobile billboards.

It will be interesting how the thing goes on and continue our discussion after the Big Brother effect of the adaptive billboards.

Source: Medianet

Best Way Ta Paint An Alluminum Boat

Damit man sie nicht falsch herum aufhängen kann...

You got to hand it to me, as an exception!

The ARD news program "Daily Themes", was the occasion of the forthcoming semi-final between Germany and Turkey prepared a nice report. This was announcing to see the anchorman Tom Buhrow and behind him the flags of the nations - at least being considered!
Because, unfortunately, came the colors of the German flag slightly confused: Instead of the often praised colors black, red and gold was the color combination of red-black-yellow.


And who believe it can not or will not:

course, absolutely unabhängig davon sei der Bildzeitung für die Aufklärung darüber gedankt, weshalb die "Ösis Dösis" sind - die kam nämlich am Tage des Gruppenspiels zwischen Österreich und Deutschland am 16. Juni 2008.

Mitunter sind die Ösis nämlich Dösis, weil:

"... ihre Flagge rot-weiß-rot ist, damit sie das Ding nicht falsch herum aufhängen."

(Grund 4/30, Quelle )

Ach so...


Die Presse

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wording For Invitation For Farewell

Tag der...

...Kindersicherheit ist heute, am 10. Juni! Or else: Kids Safety Day.

In times like these, where the media are dominated by the European Championships - and yes, I admit that yesterday's blog entry is no exception - you should be in today's entry might be a little "oasis" to see the rest. No demanding content, no critical discourse, not European, not even with the media has to do today's entry. Should just be fun and relaxing ...

We all know the "world days". Labour Day, Day of the apple, Day of the Sun, Children's Day, national holiday - such as the Portuguese (which is incidentally also today) and so on.
But what they really represent, these World days? Wikipedia makes it possible: "A World Day to commemorate international issues and current world problems, the first World Day on October 31, 1947 was proclaimed by the UN for himself.."

All that to clear!

Many these days are familiar to us, but in the meantime, almost every date in the year is any event that this date is dedicated. And no doubt also like to lose track of time.

Besides that carry many of these days real world problems and issues of international interest account, I now want to give a glimpse of what a rather meaningless and sometimes simply odd and absurd days, it already exists.

  • 18th January: Winnie the Pooh Day - quite simply, that day was where the inventor of the Pu-bear, Alexander Milne was born. (Incidentally, in 1882.)
  • 20th April: International Noise Awareness Day - As the name suggests! And because we know better double stops, there's the same Memorial Day on 25 April all over again. And because we's exaggerating, but do not want, and want to silence the opponents of same sanatorium do something good, there are again five days later (April 30) the day of the noise .
  • first Sunday in May: World Laughter Day - Hopefully we have all the requirements. Do you's to?
  • 25th May: Towel Day or day of the towel - This day is held in memory of Douglas Adams, on 11 Died May 2001. The day will of course also take place since 2001. And why is Douglas Adams? Read here to .
  • 16th September: Talk-like-a-Pirate Day - Very funny. And why? The day plays on the romanticized, idealized vision of the "golden age of piracy". By whom and exactly how it came to that day, also explained Wikipedia .
  • first June: International Day of milk - And because there is always a reference to current events, but once you think about free will, when the last dairy farmer strike in the German-speaking countries took place. a tiny hint, here's and here.
  • 21st June: day of sleep - For all students who also want one to reasonably pursue their favorite pastime. And of course for the marmots, koalas and dormouse.
  • 21st November: World Hello Day - The purpose of this day Regards and are therefore subsequently promoted communication between people to prevent war.
  • 27th November: Buy Nothing Day European - The name says it all: It should not be purchased to spend the time instead with family and friends. Very thoughtfully ...
  • For rounding, the Americans did not last a National Nothing Day (16th January), the (OK, I revise my statement that today's entry nothing to do with media ... ) was launched by U.S. journalists to life and is the "non party" dedicated - it is just no national or Welttag gefeiert, sondern das pure Nichts, das Vorhandensein keines Anlasses.

Es gibt noch eine Reihe weiterer Welttage, die man in Google (unverbindliche Suchmaschinen-Empfehlung) finden und erforschen kann, aber dieser Einblick in die absurdesten Welttage dieses Erdballs zeigt einmal mehr: Es gibt nichts, das man nicht übertreiben kann...


Viel Spaß beim heutigen vierten Spiel tag der Fußball-Europameisterschaft!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Pandora Stores In Manhattan, Ny

Lasset die Spiele beginnen!

Haben wir es also geschafft - das erste EURO 2008-Wochenende und somit den Start in das Sportevent des Jahres.
Doch nicht nur wir als Zuschauer have done it, but the media is right up there. Above all, the advertising is a constant companion before, during and possibly after the European Championship.

announced the standard but last Tuesday that the euro hype not quite on the advertising industry passed. I have to ask but really: Pardon me?! Every other advertising cries out for football and European champions.
The newspaper based this assertion with the fact that at least those customers stay on the sidelines, having to do with football and the euro itself at all.

Somewhere understandable since the ORF its advertising rates for the period of the EM to astronomical 30 to 40% has increased. Well, after the ORF nunmal is the advertising medium for the EURO as such, remains the advertisers in the nation to pay no choice. Or not.

provides Nevertheless, a variety of competitive and non-competitive products every day a battle of the EURO-up advertisements.

I have for you my absolute favorites picked out: the Wiener Linien. Yes, it's is hard to believe, but this campaign can be found in glorious spotlight. unanimously declared itself in our public transport service that is best traveled with him to the European Championships and placarded, not just their own buses and waiting huts with foiled advertising, but may also addition, even sparkling, funny commercials, which - with the simple slogan - as if taken from everyday life "We are going to EM!" are provided.

I've been searching for completeness and to wish in advance before a magnificent EURO-time. Not only during games but also during the first half. Thanks be to the creative people in "our" advertising minds.

Spot 1

Spot 2

Spot 3

Spot 4

Spot 5 Spot 6


Der Standard

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Juliet And Diane Same Pill?

Zu früh gefreut...

Nahezu als digitales „Wundererlebnis“ wurde jüngst die höchauflösende Digitaltechnik HDTV beworben. Der ORF kürte sich mit der Prestige als einziger hierzulande Fernsehen in HD Qualität auszustrahlen. So verkündete der ORF einst den Sendestarts des neuen digitalen Formates mit der EURO 2008. Wie sich nun für den Seher herausstellt, trifft es nicht ganz zu das Event als Starttermin zu bezeichnen; vielmehr stellt es eine Art Testphase für HDTV dar. Nach der EURO dürfte nämlich fürs erste Sendepause für HDTV Supercharging. Above all, domestic production can not initially be broadcast in HD quality. The equipment of the station will only gradually replaced, they say. Long term, however, all ORF HD productions will be converted. That they also purchase production from existing material will be immediately presented with high resolution, the technical director of the ORF, Peter Moosmann, to the APA. This, however, require a little more time.
The investment in a HD box would pay off, they were already so Moosmann. Takes you back to that is the best source material, so even non-HD TV broadcasts are seen in improved quality, the technical director.
Looking at the international Development of HDTV, so this falls primarily due to lack of use by the consumers rather slow progress. While ARD and ZDF will start regular operation until the Olympics 2010, it set aside temporarily Pro7 and Sat1 in general. Only ARTE is also from 1 Be July program in HD available. ORF, one sees the EURO 2008 as a welcome opportunity to test HDTV approval.
According to the Technical Director, it needs three things to be able to view the EURO in HD quality: 1 The correct digital receiver box second The cables and last but not least, third ¬ an HD-capable screen (where the most cost-effective satellite receiver to as much as 300 euros amount!). The ORF can even consider the effort done to the boxes (consider the green sticker) to ensure proper operation.
Well, the efforts of the ORF most praised, it all sounds for the average person but after a little more effort. Reading the various contributions to the discussion by bring, they also quite skeptical views on HDTV. However, we are excited. From 2 June should start HDTV and bring us the coveted live football feeling. Whether the fan mile then the stage is ... ☺

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wikipedia Pinky Prn Star


eagerly looking for a topic for today's blog entry I came across something that at this Make sure to be well received.

The press release announced on Saturday that Internet users would now call for a Blogger Code. This led to an investigation conducted by the law firm DLA Piper in London, UK. This requirement applies primarily to a voluntary code of conduct among bloggers.
call this unique internet users such a code. Neither parent institution, nor the state or even the majority of bloggers do it.
be addressed in this call, especially the current laws regarding intellectual property rights, defamation or incitement to crime.

question is, however, how voluntary can be such a code. No one wants to expose the shame, to oppose a code. In that sense, this issue certainly not too many volunteers.
And always my personal concern, which I poche: Why can not even things as they are? A blog is a subjective scale of records in a kind of online diary that can even be useful for the official purposes, but it is subjective character. And as long as something is subjective, you should give your own, the freedom of space - space to express themselves and choose to space the language itself. Each has his own fortune and even if someone picks one at inappropriate words, this is not indeed OK, but just his personal concern.
Note only the scandal blogger Perez Hilton , was reported on at this point before. This man does not mince words imaginable, and no matter how a Blogger code would look: he fails to guarantee it.

Legal regulations or not: In Germany, Blogger principle in a similar legal responsibility as the traditional press. (So \u200b\u200bDennis Breuer, Rechtsepxerte at IT law firm.) That should do it and at least it's not like that blogger for gross violations of the law in any case not be held responsible.

Like so much this theme is also a two-edged sword. Not a little wrong to moderation by legal rules is required in blogging. The other side is, how much fun it still makes blogging or reading blogs, if nowhere to go and again the limits of good taste cheeky be exceeded.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

What Are Good Items For A Raffle?

gruesome Qwahl

This is ghastly: In Bad Vöslau seems the Freedom Party now in fact 15% (2003: just under 5%) to have reached. Ghastly because the "contrast-Shammah" party Supergut work if there is enough, while may be you. And instead of integration and joint and elimination of prejudice and for open interest there are only one thing: TO mosque. That have a party program and constructive policy replaced, this already shows how little some one is thinking. Equally disturbing
: People have decided not to vote, because it's too complicated to them is', "of the ballot." Or "WEU's eh damn is'". Or "weu ma de ned olle Wöhner eh kau." So rather wait head in the sand and, until the residual is also blown over '.
pity that you can not just be hernehmen a fenced off area, where all the FPÖ voters graze along with the ignorant voters and not be governed by the Freedom Party. Then would the normal person would need their rest, do not ever cower before verbal dung and the other had what they deserve - meaningless pseudo politics, the "ned so complicated" and "eh care less" is'.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Betaine Hydrochloride Pregnancy

choice cramps

I'm just on the toilet trying to read the Freedom Party election advertising magazine . Des is kinda hard, because as funny gschriebn is. It says "Mutzurheimat" (with www in front and above). And I read always "Mutz-homeland". And that reminds me that the Mutz any relatives or friends of Mama G's is, will talk about the times. Sounds like a humpbacked toothless female that lives alone in a hut (with no phone, no telly, totally isolated!): "... The Mutz Jojo in their homeland ... drob'n ob'n on the mountain!"

I digress ... where was I? Yes, exactly: the FPÖ. BarbRokra forces himself "Mutzurheimat" to show, but she shows her teeth on any photo. Either she has schiache, no or she just does not. I may not in itself a aufg'setzt'n grin. But the savings slot on Women Rokra is then again I suspect. So, when she could not open his mouth because it would then pour a fountain of stinking brown broth of her pearl necklace and her clean white jacket! CUR! Speib!

I am very sorry if I spoil you now, dinner, snacks or any other benefit, but what else will occur to me not just this!
But what disturbs me about this Heftl special is that every statement is just AGAINST something. Die einzige positive Formulierung lautet "UNSER Land für UNSERE Kinder", aber das ist Schrott. WIR können keine Kinder bekommen und IHREN Kindern will ichs sicher nicht überlassen!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mulheres Con Grandes Mamas

Billowing sails vs. thoughts. hopping Speckschwatln

Also. Ich hab heute Rotwein getrunken, Musik gemacht & gehört, ferngesehen und gelebt. Damit ist meine Tagebucheintragung für heute schon erledigt (und ich wurde dem Motto dieses Blogs gerecht!). (Jetzt, wo ich weiß, dass tatsächlich manch eine/r auch mit meinen geistigen Winden seine Gedankensegel bläht, bin ich vorsichtig mit intimen Gschichtln - wenngleich die um einiges interessanter wären als der erste Satz ;-))

(PS: Bin heute vor dem Spiegel zu "Unchain my heart" rumgehüpft. Kleine Speckschwatln an mir dran haben noch weiter gehüpft Minuten nachdem das Lied aus war. Bäh, bäh, bäh - Speck fühlt sich nach gar nix an, das is leider so, deshalb sieht man's erst, wenn man in den Spiegel schaut. Besser wärs, Speck würd zwicken oder sonst wie weh tun, das würd das Abnehmen erleichtern. Aber zwicken tut mich nur die Hose. Und die zieh ich aus und stopf mir ein Stück Schokolade in den Schlund.)
Aja, noch was. Der blödeste Text, der sich derzeit via Ö3 in meine armen Ohren veirrt hat:

"So ein Zufall dir zu begegnen Wir haben uns lang nicht mehr gesehen Mein Make-up ist ganz verronnen Weil wir hier im Regen want I'm fine all thank best Have endless amounts made the apartment newly painted And I laughed at a bicycle, the world is as beautiful as ever alive to the day thinking and not more of you I weep just because I rains weep for me I 'm watching the rain from sheer drops I'm not crying just because I rains do not cry for you cry because time never stand still Every tear stands alone Am still unbound I feel good this rescue I do not need, but your wing you could lend me Much too often much too long celebrated the mailbox always full of possessions since learned to know whom do not know if I should make him the world is spinning faster than ever feel free and do not think more of you I cry only because it's I rains weep for me I'm watching the rain does not sheer drops I just cry because it's I's raining, do not cry for you cry because time never stand still Every tear is in itself I do not want everything here in the rain has to go was nice to see you again I just cry because it's raining I do not cry for you Tell me why the rain falls only on me I just cry because it's raining I'm crying just for me wine because time stands still Every tear never stands alone I just cry because it's raining I do not cry for you cry because time will never stand Every tear stands for itself "... from such a
VALERIE is the so sweet rausgeschmalzt that I hyperglycaemia are taking although I am not a diabetic. (Maybe I've grown so?)

That is the worst rated junk! Something embarrassing would have perhaps have come up with 11 but no later than 12 I would have burned residue out of sheer shame.
Apart from the well-worn theme (because it was only last year, a song in the charts are ..??) the formulations ....
"a bicycle laughed at" - nonsense!
"every tear stands for itself" - pitiful! So I'm going


Monday, February 18, 2008

Ectropionsilver Nitrateinfection

minute panic?

I am indeed a sad person. Basically I love life, it is enjoyed, while engaged in doing good and aestheticism or otherwise sensibly daherred't (loosely based on TS Eliot - Original quote: "To do the useful thing, to say the courageous thing, to contemplate the beautiful thing: that is enough for one man's life ")
nice and all good.. But it ends at some point. Sooner or later. This will i ned!
If I do it anyway right after TS Eliot, why I should not they live forever? Many people say, "To Good's wishes ... forever leb'n, the warat a Horror!" - But that's a lie! They say yes just because it's ham eh ka choice! In recent Years is lying to stop at saying that we already have sooooooooooooooo much time to one of the topic, and only touches somehow ... Works just fine in itself, because death is not part of being young to do so. All who die early are to die early, so actually an "inappropriate" time. The older we get, the less we want to accept it at all ever is a "right" time. Yes, ok, if someone was sick, then the death was indeed a "grace" and allegedly a "redemption" (like now with his uncle), but can you possibly say it was an "appropriate" time. Imagine that you meet at a funeral of a 100-year-olds und begrüßt die Trauergemeinde mit den Worten: "Einen besseren, passenderen und günstigeren Zeitpunkt für seinen Tod hat es wahrlich kaum gegeben." - Wird vermutlich allgemeine Befremdung auslösen. Sagen darf man: "Na, er hat ja sein Leben gelebt." Ein wahrlich blöder Spruch. Was soll man denn sonst ein ganzes Jahrhundert hindurch machen, wenn man nicht gerade zufällig tot ist?
"Der Tod gehört zum Leben" - Blabla. Der Tod gehört nicht zum Leben, sondern der Tod gehört zum Totsein. Das ist ganz was anderes, etwas das außerhalb ist vom Hier und Jetzt und was mich hier und jetzt aber schon gar nicht interessieren mag.
Warum gibt es soviele blöde Sprüche zum Thema "Tod"? Fällt anyone anything clever to one? G.
does also, as his thoughts on death. "If life is like a party, then it is a shame when you have to go But if life is like a math test, then it is back leiwand when is off. But mostly it is both. Maybe it's just too good to us, So we find ourselves so hard from the death. "

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sinus Polyps Colloidal Silver

Schleger and Schug

Hm I do not find a way out of trouble. What is it about? To my eternal guilty conscience (in short: Schleger)
It actually starts even before getting up (Schleger, because too late because the day before too much eating / smoking / drinking) ... Dust mice umwedeln my bedstead (Schleger because bedroom is not sucked) .. on the toilet (oh dear, Schleger! Should have long since bought toilet paper !)... and in the bathroom (SchleGe! mirror would have cleaned, washed woolen clothes, stuff to be sorted out) ... Of course this goes on to the breakfast table. And then Schleger because not enough political education forced into my brain (one instead Ö3 Wecker). Schleger, because society would rather gossip (Britney Spears now teilentmündigt) and Chronicle (3 years man sat dead in front of the TV) is read in the Courier and spent about 15 x as much time with the medium-heavy as sudoku with current domestic policy.
Schleger because not healthy enough and too much of unhealthy breakfast and then puffed his Schleger this Way through my day .... Aja, and I created it's time to get out in the fresh air (oxygen Bewegung!!), Then I got a Schleger, because I do not sit inside and work diligently. I sit inside and work hard (but certainly not hard enough), is the Schleger again because of lack of exercise. * Sigh * I had a child, I would certainly be out constantly torn by Schleger and Schug, because I am either too little lost child care or me on the other hand too little any work is dedicated.

tip book tipps Schleger and Schug (= guilt): "How to Unschuldigsein" by Florian Illies (2001)